How to check Alim Result 2019 by SMS? If you want to check your Alim Result 2019 by SMS. Then you have to know the right method. In this post, we added a complete guide about checking Alim Result by SMS. It will available when HSC Result 2019 will publish online.
Alim exam result 2019 will publish very soon. And this exam result will publish by the education board authority of Bangladesh. Alim exam held under the madrasah education board. So the madrasah education board will publish this exam result officially. And they also provide official result checking system. Madrasah education board Alim Result can check via mobile SMS. Below added full process about this. So let’s know how to check Alim Result 2019 by SMS.
How to check Alim Result 2019 by SMS
For this, you have to send a message to the education board authority. So, just go to message writing option and type there-
MAD Your Roll No 2019 and send it to 16222
For an Example: Alim MAD 123536 2019 and send it to 16222
This is the official SMS sending system. And by following this system properly, will get the result. For each SMS you have cost 2.54 TK. It will automatically cut from your main account. So keep enough balance before checking Alim result 2019 by SMS.