DBBL Agent Banking is a popular Banking Service in Bangladesh. It provides Banking Service on Remote Area like Upazila & Village also. There are too many features & benefits available on this Agent Banking Service. An Agent Banking user of DBBL will get most of the Banking Service of DBBL like Core Banking Account Holder. So, If you’re interested in Open an Agent Banking Account in Dutch Bangla Bank, This content is especially for you. We’re writing everything which you need to know.
Before starting, We’ll share the Benefits & facilities of the DBBL Agent Banking Account. It is very important to know before opening the Account. Many other Banks also provide Agent Banking Service. You can also know these to compare to DBBL. We’ll describe this later.
DBBL Agent Banking Routing Number
What is a Routing Number? It is a unique number reserved by the Bank Authority for identifying a specific Bank or Branch. So, With the Routing number, anyone can Identify each Bank & Branch for Transection. This number is required for Online Transaction Only. DBBL Agent Banking user needs the Routing number while they will receive money from ibanking from any DBBL A/C or Other Bank Account.
The Routing Number of Dutch Bangla Bank Agent Banking is 090270608
DBBL Agent Banking Transaction Limit
Every Bank Accounts have transaction limits and Dutch Bangla Bank Agent Banking also. So, you need to know this also because without knowing, you may face problem with Transaction anytime. So, now see the Transaction Limit and check your Transaction History to know the available limit.
There are two types of Service limit for Dutch Bangla Bank Agent Banking user. One is for Agent Banking Point and another is for DBBL Fast Track or Branch. So, see both Service limit nowhere.
Daily |
Per Txn. |
Per day |
Monthly |
Another is for any DBBL Fast Track or Branch. So, read the following Transaction Limits. We have added both because some of our Visitors live in the Village side (Remote Area) where no Branch or FT available. Some visitors live in City and they can make Transaction on both Agent Banking Point and also from FT or Branch of DBBL.
Dutch Bangla Bank Agent Banking Service Charge
Now, See the Service charge of the DBBL Agent Banking Account. All charges included here so see and feel relax. There is no hidden charge available after these. So, let’s know your Biometric Account Service charge chart.
Category | Own Territory | Other Territory |
Registration Fee | Free | Free |
Deposit at Agent Banking Point | Free | Free |
Withdraw at Agent Banking Point | Free | 0.50% of the withdrawal amount |
Deposit/Withdraw at DBBL Branches/Fast Tracks | Free | Free |
Withdraw from DBBL ATM | Free | Free |
Fund Transfer (P2P) | Free | 0.25% of the transferred amount |
Balance Inquiry | Free | Free |
Disburse Remittance (in Biometric Account) | Free | Free |
Disburse Salary (in Biometric Account) | Free | Free |
We’ll add all other information continuously on this content. So, visit us again to see what’s new on Dutch Bangla Bank Agent Banking. So, stay with us to see our latest update. Thank you for being with us.
>DBBL Agent Banking Transaction Limit >Dutch Bangla Bank Agent Banking Service Charge
>DBBL Agent Banking Transaction Limit >Dutch Bangla Bank Agent Banking Service Charge