Diploma Admission Waiting Result 2020 (4th Waiting Result & Migration Result 2020) will be published the Bangladesh Technical education board recently published Polytechnic Diploma in Engineering admission result 2020. And there is a large number of student who didn’t get a chance yet. They are now waiting. So, BTEB confirmed to us, this waiting result publishes soon on their admission official website.
Diploma Admission official website btebadmission.gov.bd provides this result. And other kids of admission related info they update there. So by visiting this website will get about Diploma admission result, notice, and many more.
After publishing the Diploma Admission Waiting Result 2020 is available on this website. Below we give full instruction to check the Waiting Result. If you follow this institution then you can check your waiting list result. Let’s try it.
Diploma Engineering 4th Waiting Result 2020 published
At first visit result checking website. Click here to check the result. Must open links in a new tab. After clicking the link, you will find the result checking page. Now, Enter your Roll No, Board Name & Passing Year. If you put all information correctly then click the Next button. After doing that you will see your result. If you selected for the admission you will get confirmation.