Introduction: Telecommunication Technology manually known as TCT. It is an update department of Diploma in engineering education system. It’s Diploma in Engineering Technology code 94. It is told that an educated person is not proper educated without the basic knowledge on TCT (Telecommunication Technology), ICT (Information Communication Technology) and IT (Information Technology).
Educational Information: its Educational Syllabus depends on Modern Technology because you already know that it is an update department. It is proved that a Telecommunication Engineer always makes an extra knowledge and always checks competition with Electrical, Electronics and computer Technology. This department mixed with three departments: Electrical, Electronics and Computer. If we provide the subject list of Diploma in Telecommunication Technology, You will get the better experience with this matter.
Here Available Departmental Subject: Telecommunication system 1 (9411), Telecommunication System 2 (9421), telecommunication workshop (9431), Radio and Television Engineering (9442), Telecom Measuring and Testing Equipment (9451), Radio Wave Propagation and Radar (9452), Outside Plant (9454), Mobile and Wireless Communication 1 (9461), Microwave Engineering (9462), Data communication 1 (9463), Optical Fiber communication 1 9464), Mobile and Wireless Communication 2 (9471), Satellite Communication (9472), Data Communication 2 (9473), Optical Fiber Communication 2 (9474), Telecom Switching (9475)& Multimedia and Web page Design (9476).
Here Available Other Departmental Subject:
Computer Departmental Subject: Computer Application 1 (6621), Computer Application 2 (6632), Programing Language 1 (6622), Computer Peripherals (6662) & Data structure and Algorithm (6631)
Electronics Departmental Subject: Basic Electronics (6811), Network, Filter and Transmission Line (6843), Industrial Power Electronics (6840) & Digital Electronics and Microprocessor (6866)
Electrical Departmental Subject: Basic Electricity (6711), Electrical Circuit 1 (6721) and Electrical Machines (6744).
Telecommunication Job Sector: There are too Many Job Sector Available World Wide for Telecommunication Technology Engineers. We can’t write all categories Job Title here but we suggest here some popular Job Sector for Telecommunications Engineer who Studied Diploma in Telecommunication Technology: Mobile Service Provider (Mobile Operator- BTS, BSC, MSC & GMSC), Telephone and Telegraph (T&T), Telecommunication Company, Radar Station (Radio Detection and Ranging), Satellite Communication, PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network), GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication), Radio Network, Microwave Transmission, Satellite Communication and Any others Networking Sector.
Conclusion: Technology Dependent in this current Society, All communication systems maintained by Telecommunication Technology. An Expert Telecommunication Engineers work different Government or Non-Government Mobile Operator, Different IT Sector, Networking Sector and others Radar & Satellite Sector.