HSC Result will publish on 19 July 2019 under Education Board Bangladesh. Do you want to check your HSC Result Online? Let’s follow the step by step guides and check your Result fast. There are too many processes available to check the 2019 HSC Exam Result. The Result will be published at 10:00 AM. Students will get their Result at 02:00 PM individually on Online and Mobile SMS. Android App will also publish the Result just time. So, In this post, we are going to describe the system details.
HSC Result Publish Date & Time official update:
The Authority will deliver the Result to Prime Minister of Bangladesh at 10:00 AM of 19 July. The Prime Minister will publish the Result summary. Individual Result will be published later. First, Total Passes Student, Pass Percentage, Total GPA 5 and Board wise Result Analysis will be published on 10:00 AM. Individual & Institution Result (Roll & EIIN Wise) will be published at 01:30 PM on the same date. Read the Result check system now and check your Result early.
HSC Result Check Online:
How to check HSC Result Online? Most of the people can’t check their Result from Online. If they will get a clear concept, they can check their Result easily from Online. Which Website will publish the HSC Result? Here is the Official Website Address available where you will get your Result easily. Just Visit official website and follow the below Instruction.
- Examination: Select HSC/Alim from the List
- Year: Select as Passing Year
- Board: Select your Education Board Name from the List
- Roll: Type your 6 digits HSC Roll Number
- Reg: No: Type your Registration Number
- Security Verification: Type the Math Answer
- Click Submit Button to get your Result
HSC Result by SMS:
Mobile SMS system is also available for HSC Result. Teletalk Bangladesh Limited has made this system for all people in Bangladesh. Bangladeshi people can use their Mobile Number to check their HSC Result. Just send a message with correct SMS Format to get the Result. First go to the message option from your Mobile Phone. Then, type the below data:
Board Roll Year
Now, send the message to 16222. Imagine, you want to check Dhaka Education Board HSC Result 2019 of Roll 304570. Now you need to type “HSC DHA 304570 2019” and send the message to 16222. You will receive your Result very soon.