JSC Result Publish date is very important for JSC Examine. JSC means Junior School Certificate. It is the 1st Public Exam under the Education Board. Before JSC, The Examine has attended PSC Exam after completing Class Five Exam. In this post, you will get details about JSC Result 2019 Related all data and also about PSC Result 2019. So, let’s start to read. If you face any question or need help, just contact us soon. We will reply you back soon.
JSC Result Publish Date:
When will the JSC Result Publish? In a word, the JSC Exam Result will publish in the last week of December. Every year, JSC Result & PSC Result publishes on the same date. Before one week or more days ago, the Ministry of Education and the Education Board Chairman will announce the exact date for publishing the Result. This year, the Expected date of JSC Result is December. But, it may take a more day to publish the Result.
JSC Result Check Online:
If you want to check your JSC Result Online, This post will help you completely. The JSC Exam Result Bangladesh will available on the Education Board Bangladesh official Result Archive, eboardresults.com and also on the specific Education Board Custom Result Check Portal. Some information’s are requiring checking your Result. These are Examine Board Roll, Registration Number, Passing year and Education Board Name. If you have all the information, you can easily get your Result online from any place.
JSC Result by Mobile SMS:
Examine can also check their JSC Result from Mobile SMS. They can use their own mobile phone to check their Result by SMS. It is the 2nd largest popular system of Public Exam Result Check. Please check your Mobile Account Balance. If you have more than 2.54 TK balance available in your Account. Then you need to wait until the Result publishes. If the Result has published officially, You need to send the message with below Format:
Board Name First Three Letters Roll 2019 & send to 16222;
Example: You are a JSC Examine 2018 under Rajshahi Education Board. Your Roll is 151050; you need to send the Message with:
JSC RAJ 151050 2019 & send to 16222.
After sending the message, you will be charged 2.54 TK from your Account and receive your Result soon.
With the above system, anyone can check their Result easily. To get JSC Result Check Online related another article, stay with us. We have presented the system details. If you fail to understand, you can inform us here. We will provide you a clear solution very soon.
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