DBBL NexusPay users will get 25% Cashback upon Transfering Money from Other Bank to DBBL NexusPay Account. NexusPay users will get 25% Cashback on their First Transaction. At a time, Customer can Transfer maximum 1,00,000 TK. So, Maximum Cashback Limit is 25,000 TK. Let’s check out details information about this 25% Cashback offer of DBBL NexusPay.
If you are a NexusPay user, You can add other Bank Card from Add Card (Other Bank) to Transfer the Amount to your NexusPay Loyalty Card. A default Loyalty Card is available on your NexusPay Account. Thetransferedd & Cashback Amount will be added under the Loyalty Card.
You can use the Loyalty Card Balance to Top-up any Mobile Account and eCommerce Transaction (Selected Merchant). You can know details information by calling 16216 from any Mobile Number (BDT 2.44/Min call Rate Applicable). You can also send mail to nexuxpay@dutchbanglabank.com to get a response.