using this service all prepaid customers of banglalink can send request to another banglalink number (prepaid and post-paid) to call him back if he/she has low balance in mobile account.
only active banglalink prepaid connections having a balance between Taka.0.15 to tk.1.00 will be able to send a call back request. to send a request they need to type *126* the banglalink number they want to send call back request to # and then dial send. the requested person will be notified through sms and the requester will get a confirmation sms that the request has been sent.
everyday a customer can send maximum 5 requests, tk. 0.15 will be charged for every request. both the requested and requesting numbers need to be active banglalink numbers. request can be sent only to banglalink numbers. post paid numbers will not be able to send such request but they will be able to receive such request