Banglalink 59 TK Recharge Offer 2020 is providing 1 Paisa Sec Call Rate to Any number with Tax. No extra Charge is available on this Special Call rate. Banglalink wrote that their 59 TK Recharge Call rate offer 2020 is the First time in Bangladesh. We can’t ensure this but the Banglalink customer can enjoy this lowest call rate offer.
This offer can enjoy continuing 7 days from the Recharge day. There are no restrictions available for recharge purposes. So, you can use your MFS (Mobile Financial Account) to Recharge the amount of 59 TK.
Banglalink 59 TK Recharge Offer 2020
NexusPay users can Recharge 59 TK to their own Banglalink Number to get an extra 2.95 TK cashback. This 5% Cashback offer of DBBL NexusPay is available for All operator number. If you signed up on NexusPay on your Robi/Airtel/Teletalk/GP number, you will also get the cashback of 5% on self number recharge.
All Banglalink prepaid and Call & Control customers are eligible for this 1 Paisa Second call rate to all numbers. Validity extend system is also available for this Offer where you can extend the Validity quickly by recharging 59 TK again.
The Offer will be activated automatically on 59 TK recharge. If you want to cancel the offer, you can dial *166*649# from your Banglalink number. For any more information, you can call Banglalink Customer care Number. We hope you will get details from the Customer care executive.