Dear user, Now you will get details about Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Schedule which is a popular query. Too many users are going to travel Dinajpur from Dhaka. Most of the people like to Travel by Train because it is very easy and also quality. How many numbers of Train available on the route Dhaka to Dinajpur? In this post, everyone will get this information and especially the Schedule (Timetable) of these Train. We have already added a different post about Ekota Express and Drutojan Express on this Site. While you will visit the Mentioned Link, you will get better information about these Train.
Available Train Name and Number on Dhaka to Dinajpur Route:
In this Section, we have added Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Name, Train Number, Off Day and all other information. Let’s see the Table and get clear information from below.
Train No | Name | Off Day | From | To | Departure | Arrival |
705 | Ekota Express | Tuesday | Dhaka | Dinajpur | 10:00:00 | 19:40:00 |
757 | Drutajan Express | Wednesday | Dhaka | Dinajpur | 19:40:00 | 5:30:00 |
Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Ticket Price and Quality:
Basically, different quality people visit in Train. According to my own Experience, I see very High-Quality person Travel on Train and also very low-quality people too. So, Bangladesh Railway made some different category of Seat. Ticket Price made by Category and Quality. let’s see the Ticket Price of Dhaka to Dinajpur Train.
- Dhaka to Dinajpur AC Birth Ticket Price 1478 BDT.
- Dhaka to Dinajpur AC Seat Ticket Price 983 BDT.
- Dhaka to Dinajpur 1st Birth Ticket Price 855 BDT.
- Dhaka to Dinajpur Snigdha Ticket Price 822 BDT.
- Dhaka to Dinajpur First Seat Ticket Price 570 BDT.
- Dhaka to Dinajpur Shovon Chair Ticket Price 430 BDT.
- Dhaka to Dinajpur Shovon Ticket Price 360 BDT.
You can Book or Purchase Train Ticket before 7 Days from the Journey Day. If the Ticket will available, you can Purchase during the journey (From Station before Journey). Mobile Ticket and Online Ticket (e-Ticketing) Service is also available. But, a little number of Ticket Reserved for the Online and Mobile users.
We hope that you have learnt all the information of Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Schedule, Ticket Price, Train Off day and all other necessary information. If you need any more information, kindly contact us now or make a comment on the below.
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