Dhaka To Srimangal Train Schedule, Ticket price, Off day! Dhaka to Srimangal is a very Popular Railway Route. Are you searching Dhaka to Srimangal train schedule Then this is a Right Place here we provide you with the full information about Dhaka to Srimangal Train Schedule, Off Day, Ticket Price & more? There are many people don’t know the Dhaka to Srimangal Train Ticket Fare. Are you looking for Train ticket of this Route or want to know the Ticket Price? Don’t worry. We are here to help you.
In this post, we provide Dhaka to Srimangal Railway ticket booking system, Ticket Fare (Price), Online Ticket Purchase system, train Schedule (Time Table), Off Day and Stop Station Info. Bangladesh Railway Dhaka to Srimangal train schedule is very important if you are from Dhaka or you want to travel in this route.
Intercity Trains from Srimangal Station
Name | Off Day | From | Departure | To |
Parabat Express | Tuesday | Srimangal | 11:10 | Sylhet |
Parabat Express | Tuesday | Srimangal | 17:14 | Dhaka |
Jayantika Express | No | Srimangal | 17:13 | Sylhet |
Jayantika Express | Thursday | Srimangal | 10:50 | Dhaka |
Paharika Express | Monday | Srimangal | 15:20 | Sylhet |
Paharika Express | Saturday | Srimangal | 12:58 | Chittagong |
Udayan Express | Saturday | Srimangal | 04:12 | Sylhet |
Udayan Express | Sunday | Srimangal | 23:24 | Chittagong |
Upaban Express | Wednesday | Srimangal | 02:47 | Sylhet |
Upaban Express | No | Srimangal | 00:23 | Dhaka |
Kalani Express | Friday | Srimangal | 20:10 | Sylhet |
Kalani Express | Friday | Srimangal | 09:10 | Dhaka |
Dhaka To Srimangal Train Ticket price
- Dhaka to Sreemangal 2nd Class General Ticket Price 60 BDT.
- Dhaka to Sreemangal 2nd Class Mail Ticket Price 75 BDT.
- Dhaka to Sreemangal Commuter Ticket Price 95 BDT.
- Dhaka to Sreemangal Sulov Ticket Price 115 BDT.
- Dhaka to Sreemangal Shovon Ticket Price 185 BDT.
- Dhaka to Sreemangal Shovon Chair Ticket Price 225 BDT.
- Dhaka to Sreemangal First Class Chair Ticket Price 295 BDT.
- Dhaka to Sreemangal 1st Birth Ticket Price 445 BDT.
- Dhaka to Sreemangal Snigdha Ticket Price 426 BDT.
- Dhaka to Sreemangal AC Seat Ticket Price 512 BDT.
- Dhaka to Sreemangal AC Birth Ticket Price 765 BDT
If you want to more information about Dhaka To Srimangal Train Schedule, Ticket price, Off day, Just Contact us. Try to solve your problem and give more information. Thanks for visiting our website and Reading the full Content.
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