• To provide understanding and skill on network theorems.
• To make understanding on the concept of ac fundamentals.
• To provide knowledge and skill on single phase ac circuits.
• To provide understanding of power & power factor in ac circuits.
• To provide comprehensive understanding and skill on polyphase system.
Electrical network; Network theorems; AC fundamentals; Single phase AC circuits; Power and power factor in AC circuit; Polyphase system; Star/delta connection.
Theoy :
1 Apply the concept of electrical circuits.
1.1 Describe Kirchhoff’s laws.
1.2 Solve problems relating to Kirchhoff’s laws.
1.3 Describe Maxwell’s theorem.
1.4 Solve problems relating to Maxwell’s theorem.
2 Understand the concept of electrical network.
2.1 Define circuit parameters.
2.2 State the different circuit parameters.
2.3 Name the units of different circuit parameters.
2.4 Define the different types of electric network.
2.5 List the different types of electric network.
2.6 Explain the current source and voltage source in electric network.
2.7 Give examples of current source & voltage source.
2.8 Constant voltage source, current source device.
3 Apply the principles of circuit’s theorem.
3.1 Explain Thevenin’s theorem.
3.2 Solve problems relating to Thevenin’s theorem.
3.3 Explain superposition theorem.
3.4 Solve problems on super power theorem.
3.5 Explain the reciprocity and duality theorem.
3.6 Solve problems on reciprocity and duality theorem.
3.7 Explain star/delta conversion.
3.8 Solve problems relating to star / delta conversion.
3.9 Explain maximum power traster theorem.
3.10 Solve problems on maximum power theorem.
4 Understand the concept of AC fundamentals.
4.1 Explain the generation of AC voltage.
4.2 Derive the equation, e = Emax Sint.
4.3 Construct a sine wave in relation to emf generation.
4.4 Define cycle, frequency & time period.
4.5 Show the relation, f= NP120
4.6 Name the commercial frequency of different countries of the world.
4.7 Explain phase and phase difference with diagram.
4.8 Solve problems relating to AC generation.
5 Understand the concept of alternating quantities and rms values.
5.1 Define instantaneous, maximum, average and rms values of alternating quantities.
5.2 Define form factor and peak factor.
5.3 Solve problems relating to instantaneous, average and rms values.
5.4 Define ohmic resistance and skin effect.
5.5 Compare ohmic & effective resistance.
5.6 Distinguish between AC and fluctuating DC.
5.7 Draw sine, square and triangular waves.
6 Apply the concept of ac circuit consists of resistance and reactance.
6.1 Sketch a circuit containing ohmic resistance and reactance.
6.2 Explain the vector and phasor diagram of resistive and reactive circuit.
6.3 Evaluate inductive and capacitive reactance, current and voltage relations in reactive circuit.
6.4 Solve problems relating to resistance, inductive reactance and capacitive reactance.
7 Apply the concept of AC series/parallel circuit containing RL and RC.
7.1 Sketch a circuit containing resistance and inductance in series/parallel.
7.2 Explain the vector & phasor diagram of RL series/parallel circuit.
7.3 Formulate the impedance, current and voltage drop in RL series/parallel circuit.
7.4 Draw the impedance triangle of RL series/parallel circuit.
7.5 Sketch a RC series/parallel circuit.
7.6 Explain the vector & phasor diagram of RC series/parallel circuit.
7.7 Formulate the impedance, current and voltage drop in RC series/parallel.
7.8 Draw the impedance triangle of RC series/parallel circuit.
7.9 Solve problems relating to RL & RC circuit.
8 Apply the concept of RLC series/parallel circuit.
8.1 Draw the circuit containing resistance, inductance, capacitance in series/parallel.
8.2 Explain the vector and phasor diagram of RLC series/parallel circuit.
8.3 Draw the impedance triangle of a RLC circuit.
8.4 Calculate the inductive reactance, capacitive reactance, total impedance, current & voltage drops in RLC circuit.
8.5 Describe resonance and resonance frequency in RLC circuit.
8.6 Solve problems relating to RLC circuit.
9 Apply the concept of power & power factor in ac circuit.
9.1 Define power, power factor, active and reactive power.
9.2 Calculate the power and power factor of resistive and reactive circuits.
9.3 Calculate power, power factor, active & reactive power of RL, RC, & RLC circuit.
9.4 Explain the power diagram of R, L, C, RL, RC, RLC circuit.
9.5 Solve problems relating to power & power factor of different circuit.
10 Understand the concept of polyphase system.
10.1 State polyphase system.
10.2 Mention the advantage of polyphase system over single phase system.
10.3 State the generation of polyphase emf.
10.4 State double subscript notation.
10.5 Describe the phase sequence of polyphase system.
10.6 State the effects of reverse phase sequence.
11 Understand the concept of star connection.
11.1 Define neutral wire.
11.2 Evaluate the current in the neutral wire in an balanced 3-phase, 4 – wire star connection system.
11.3 Draw the phasor diagram of a 3-phase, 3-wire star connection system.
11.4 Deduce the formulae, and .
11.5 Calculate volt-ampere, power and power factor in a balanced 3- phase, 3- wire star connection system.
11.6 Solve problems relating to star connection system.
12 Understand the concept of delta connection.
12.1 Draw the circuit diagram of a 3-phase delta connection system.
12.2 Draw the phasor diagram of delta connection system.
12.3 Deduce the formulae, and IL =
12.4 Simplify the relation between line and phase current & voltage in a balanced delta connection.
12.5 Calculate the volt-ampere, power and power factor in a balanced 3-phase delta connection.
12.6 Solve problems on delta connected balanced loaded system.
12.7 Compare the advantages of star connection with those of delta connection.
Practical :
1 Show skill in verifying kirchhoff’s law (KVL AND KCL).
1.1 Sketch the circuit diagram for the experiment.
1.2 Select required tools equipment and materials.
1.3 Make all the connections.
1.4 Check the connections.
1.5 Verify kirchhoff’s current and voltage law collecting relevant data.
2 Show skill in verifying thevenin’s theorem.
2.1 Sketch the circuit diagram.
2.2 Make thevenin equivalent circuit theoretically.
2.3 Collect required component tools and equipment’s
2.4 Make the connections for both the circuit.
2.5 Verify the equivalence of both the circuit for the thevenin element.
3 Show skill in verifying Norton’s theorem.
3.1 Sketch the circuit diagram.
3.2 Prepare a Norton’s equivalent circuit theoretically for the given circuit.
3.3 Collect component, tools and equipment’s for both the circuits.
3.4 Construct both the circuits.
3.5 Obtain data for the equivalent terminal and verify the theorem.
4 Show skill in verifying superposition theorem.
4.1 Sketch the circuit diagram for the verification of super position theorem.
4.2 Collect required tools and materials.
4.3 Prepare the circuit.
4.4 Collect data and verify the theorem.
5 Show skill in verifying maximum power transfer theorem.
5.1 Skill the circuit diagrams.
5.2 Collect required tools & materials.
5.3 Prepare the circuit.
5.4 Collect data and verity the theorem.
6 Show skill in measuring maximum value, rms value, frequency by oscilloscope.
6.1 Identify the control & function knobs of oscilloscope.
6.2 Prepare the oscilloscope to measure the values.
6.3 Check all connections.
6.4 Observe the ac signal and measure the maximum ,rms values and frequency.
7 Show skill in determining the value of resistance & inductance and draw the vector diagram of RL series circuit and draw vector diagram of voltage & current.
7.1 Draw the circuit diagram for determining resistance & inductance of a RL series circuit.
7.2 Collect tools, equipment & materials required for the experiment.
7.3 Connect the circuit according to the circuit diagram using proper equipment.
7.4 Check all connection points before energize the circuit.
7.5 Apply proper voltage & record readings from the meters.
7.6 Find the value of resistance & phase angle from relevant data.
7.7 Sketch the vector diagram with the relevant data as obtained.
8 Show skill in determining the value of resistance & capacitance and drawing vector diagram of RC series circuit and draw vector diagram of voltage & current.
8.1 Sketch the circuit diagram for RC series circuit.
8.2 Collect tools, equipment & materials for the experiment.
8.3 Connect the circuit according to the circuit diagram using proper equipment.
8.4 Check all connection points before energizing the circuit.
8.5 Apply the voltage and record the relevant readings.
8.6 Determine the value of resistance, capacitance & phase angle from the data obtained.
8.7 Sketch the vector diagram with the help of relevant data as obtained.
9 Show skill in determining the value of resistance, inductance & capacitance and drawing vector diagram of RLC series circuit and draw vector diagram of voltage & current.
9.1 Sketch the circuit diagram for RLC series circuit.
9.2 Collect tools, equipment & materials for the experiment.
9.3 Connect the circuit-according to the circuit diagram using proper equipment.
9.4 Check all connection points before energize the circuit.
9.5 Connect proper supply to the circuit and record the readings from the meter.
9.6 Determine the values of resistance, inductance, capacitance and phase angle from the relevant data.
9.7 Verify the supply voltage is equal to the vector sum of voltage drop in each parameters.
9.8 Sketch the vector diagram with the help of relevant data as obtained.
10 Show skill in determining the values of resistance, inductance, capacitance and drawing the vector diagram of RLC parallel circuit and draw vector diagram of voltage & current.
10.1 Sketch the circuit diagram for RLC parallel circuit.
10.2 Collect tools, equipment & materials required for the experiment.
10.3 Connect the circuit according to the circuit diagram using proper equipment.
10.4 Check all connection points before energize the circuit.
10.5 Connect proper supply to the circuit and record the data from the meters.
10.6 Determine the value of resistance, inductance, capacitance and phaseangle from the relevant data.
10.7 Verify the line current is equal to the vector sum of branch currents.
10.8 Sketch the vector diagram with the relevant data as obtained.
11 Show skill in determining power factor of a RLC series circuit and drawing vector diagram.
11.1 Sketch a circuit diagram for RLC series circuit.
11.2 Collect tools, equipment & materials for the experiment.
11.3 Connect the circuit according to the circuit diagram using proper equipment.
11.4 Check all connection points before energize the circuit.
11.5 Connect power supply to the circuit and record the readings from the meter.
11.6 Determine the value of phase angle and power factor from the relevant data.
11.7 Sketch the vector diagram with the relevant data.
12 Show skill in measuring line and phase voltage & current in a 3-phase star/delta connected load and neutral current for balanced and unbalanced condition for star connected load.
12.1 Sketch a circuit diagram for a 3-phase star/delta connected load.
12.2 Collect the tools, instrument and materials required.
12.3 Select proper range of instruments required.
12.4 Connect the circuit according to the circuit diagram using proper equipment.
12.5 Check all connection points before energize the circuit.
12.6 Record the readings of instruments.
12.7 Compare the recorded values with calculated values.
12.8 List the safety practices adopted.
12.9 Write down the remarks.
13 Show skill in measuring current, voltage and power in a balanced 3-phase delta connected inductive load and construction of vector.
13.1 Draw the circuit diagram for measuring power by 3-wattmeter methods of 3-phase delta connected load.
13.2 Collect the tools, equipment and materials required for the experiment.
13.3 Connect the circuit according to the circuit diagram by using proper equipment.
13.4 Check all connection, equipment and instruments before energize the circuit.
13.5 Record the reading from the meters used in the circuit.
13.6 Draw the vector diagram for the circuit.
14 Show skill in converting star / delta connection.
14.1 Draw the circuit diagram of a balanced 3-phase star and delta connection.
14.2 Collect tools, equipment and materials required for the experiment.
14.3 Connect the circuit for star connection.
14.4 Check all connection points before energize the circuit.
14.5 Record the reading from the meters used in the circuit.
14.6 Calculate the equivalent values of impedance in delta connection.
14.7 Connect the circuit with equivalent values of impedance in delta connection.
14.8 Record the reading for delta connection.
14.9 Compare both the result obtained.
14.10 Write a report on the experiment.
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