Definition of electric network:
Everybody need to know first about what is network? Before describe different type of network.
When two or more simple circuit connects is a circuit is called electrical circuit. Or, one or more electrical source and different type of circuit parameters when connect together is called electrical network. You will be get a better performance or better experience after learns more about the classification of electrical circuit. There are kinds of electrical network are now available:
Active network: It is a network there has one or more elf source. Here, elf mean electromotive source.
Passive network: It is a network there is no elf source available.
Linear network: It is a network; there is the circuit parameters always work in still current and still voltage.
Non-linear network: It is a network type which is fully different from linear network. In this network, all circuit parameters are changed to voltage and current.
Unilateral network: Here available a diode rectifier is a unilateral network which change couth feather and usefulness of operations.
Bi literal network: It is a type of network which not changes to any feature. As an example, we can tell that, transmission a line is a bilateral network. This network can complete its working in any way.
L network: this type network build with two series resistance, which is connect with source.
T network: this type network builds with their star resistance. It has 3 steps. 1st step connect with Input and output units.
Π Network: This type Network builds in three delta resistance. This network also creates with three series circuit and three close circuits. All the circuit has three points that an input points an output point and an input-output point.