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• To be able to understand the concept of entrepreneurship & entrepreneur.
• To be able to understand the concept of environment for entrepreneurship.
• To be able to understand the sources of venture ideas in Bangladesh.
• To be able to understand the project selection.
• To be able to understand business planning.
• To be able to understand the case study
Concepts of entrepreneurship & entrepreneur; Entrepreneurship & economic development; Environment for entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship in the theories of economic growth; Sources of ventures ideas in Bangladesh; Evaluation of venture ideas; Financial planning; Project selection; Self employment; Entrepreneurial motivation; Business plan; Sources of assistance & industrial sanctioning procedure.
Insurance ; case study.
Theory :
1 Understand the basic concept of entrepreneurship & entrepreneur.
1.1 Define entrepreneurship & entrepreneur.
1.2 Discuss the characteristics and qualities of etrepreneur.
1.3 Mention the classifacation of entrepreneur.
1.4 Discuss the case entrepreneurship and mass entrepreneurship.
1.5 Discuss the necessity of entrepreneurship as a career.
1.6 Discuss the function of entrepreneur in developing countries.
1.7 Discuss the prospect of entrepreneurship development in Bangladesh.
2 Understand the concept of entrepreneurship and economic development.
2.1 Define economic development.
2.2 Discuss that the economic development is a process.
2.3 Describe the entrepreneurship as a factor of economic development.
2.4 Discuss the capital accumulation or rate of savings.
2.5 Discuss the role of entrepreneur in the technological development and their introduction into production Process.
2.6 Discuss the entrepreneur in the discovery of new sources of resources.
2.7 Discuss the entrepreneur in the discovery of new product.
2.8 Discuss the discovery of new markets.
3 Understand the concept of entrepreneurship in the theories of economic growth.
3.1 Define entrepreneurship in the theories of economic growth.
3.2 Discuss the theory of need for achievement of Devid MacClelland.
3.3 Discuss the Malthusian theory of population and economic growth.
3.4 Discuss the labour theory of production and limit to growth.
3.5 Discuss the Keynesian theory of employment and output.
3.6 Discuss the stage theory of growth.
3.7 Discuss the Schumpterian theory of economic development.
3.8 Discuss the entrepreneurship motive in economic development.
4 Understand the sources of vanture ideas in Bangladesh.
4.1 Define sources of venture ideas in Bangladesh.
4.2 Discuss different types of sources of venture ideas in Bangladesh.
4.3 Discuss informal sources of venture ideas in Bangladesh.
5 Understand the evaluation of venture ideas.
5.1 Define evaluation of venture ideas.
5.2 Discuss the factors that influence the selection of venture ideas.
5.3 Discuss the evaluating financial aspects of business.
5.4 Discuss the determinats of the firm size.
6 Understand the concept of project selection and financial planning.
6.1 Define project.
6.2 Discuss the idea of project.
6.3 Describe the guide lines for project ideas.
6.4 Discuss the sources of project ideas.
6.5 Discuss the evaluation of project ideas.
6.6 Describe the technical aspect of project.
6.7 Define financial planning.
6.8 Discuss the long term financial plan.
6.9 Discuss the short term financial plan.
7 Understand the concept of self employment.
7.1 Define self employment.
7.2 Describe different types of employment.
7.3 Describe the importance of business as a profession.
7.4 Discuss the reasons for success and failure in business.
7.5 Discuss the self assessment of entrepreneurial qualities.
8 Understand the concept of entrepreneurial motivation.
8.1 Define entrepreneurial motivation.
8.2 Discuss the achievement motivation theory.
8.3 Describe the means of improving achievement motivation.
8.4 Discuss the background of high need achievement.
8.5 Describe the problems associated with high need achievement.
9 Understand the business plan and the concept of the environment for entrepreneurship.
9.1 Define business plan.
9.2 Describe the importance of business plan.
9.3 Discuss the contents of business plan.
9.4 Describe the business plan proforma.
9.5 Define environment of business.
9.6 Describe the factors which effect environment on entrepreneurship
9.7 Discuss the aspects of business environment
10 Understand the concept of sources of assistance & industrial sanctioning procedure.
10.1 Define sources of assistance.
10.2 Describe different types of sources of assistance.
10.3 Describe entrepreneurship development cycle.
10.4 Discuss the aid of sources.
10.5 Discuss the industrial policy.
10.6 Describe the technique of industrial policy.
10.7 Define foreign aid.
11 Understand the insurance and premium.
11.1 Define insurance and premium
11.2 Describe the essential conditions of insurance contract.
11.3 Discuss various types of insurance.
11.4 Distinguish between life insurance and general insurance.
12 Understand the concept of case studies.
12.1 Define case study.
12.2 Discuss the objectives of case study.
12.3 Describe the method of case analysis.
12.4 Discuss the importance of case study.
12.5 Mention the advantages and disadvantages of case study
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