• To be able to understand the basic concepts of environment and environmental pollution.
• To be able to understand the concepts of ecology, ecosystems, global environmental issues, air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, radioactive pollution, sound pollution, etc.
• To be able to understand the methods of controlling air pollution, water pollution and sound pollution.
• To be able to understand the management of waste, soil and .pesticide pollution and
• To be able to understand the major environmental issues and problems in Bangladesh.
Basic concepts of environment; Ecology & eco-systems; global environmental issues Air and atmospheric layers; Air pollution sources & effects; climate change, green house effect and depletion of ozone layer; Control of air pollution; Water pollution sources & effects; Monitoring of water pollution; Waste water treatment; Sound pollution and its control; Soil pollution and its management; Radioactive pollution and its control; Solid waste management; Major environmental issues and disaster management- Arsenic pollution; Pesticides pollution and its management, Environmental legislations and guidelines frame work and policy in Bangladesh.
1. Understand the basic concepts of environment.
1.1 Define: environment, Marine environment, Freshwater environment, Nutrients, Mangrove forest, Photo-chemical oxidant, Pollutant, Receptor, Sink, Pathways of pollutant, Speciation.
1.2 Mention the main components of environment.
1.3 Mention the functions of environment.
1.4 Describe natural environment, man-made environment and social environment.
2. Understand ecology and eco-systems.
2.1 Define ecology and eco-system.
2.2 Mention the range of tolerance in eco-system.
2.3 Explain the biotic and abiotic components of eco-system.
2.4 Explain briefly how does eco-system work.
2.5 Explain the stability of eco-system.
2.6 Explain the following ecological terms:
Food chain, Food web, Biodiversity, Biomass, Ecological pyramid, Pyramid of biomass, Pyramid of energy, Bio-concentration, Bio-magnification, Restoration ecology.
2.7 Narrate the following bio-geochemical cycles of eco-system.
a) Carbon cycle
b) Nitrogen cycle
c) Phosphorus cycle
d) Sulphur cycle.
e) Hydrologic cycle
2.8 Describe the following global environmental issues: Global environment, Earth and other environmental summits, climate change and ozone layer depletion.
3 Understand the air and the atmospheric regions.
3.1 Mention different layers of atmosphere.
3.2 Mention the average composition of the atmosphere at sea level.
3.3 Describe the chemical species and particulates present in the atmosphere.
3.4 Describe the importance ozone layer.
4 Understand the air pollution and its sources & effects.
4.1 Define air pollution.
4.2 Mention the composition of clean dry atmospheric air.
4.3 List the air pollutants.
4.4 Identify the sources of air pollutions.
4.5 List the green house gases.
4.6 Mention the effects of air pollution on human health, animals, plants and non-living things.
4.7 Explain the formation of photo-chemical smog and its effect.
4.8 List the disasters of major air pollution in the world mentioning location, causes and effects.
4.9 Explain the causes of acid rain and its effect on eco-system.
5 Understand the control of air pollution at the sources.
5.1 Mention the methods of air pollution control.
5.2 Describe the following devices: gravitational settling chamber, cyclone separator, wet scrubber, centrifugal scrubber, fabric filter, catalytic converter.
6 Understand the sources of water pollution and its effects.
6.1 Define water pollution.
6.2 Mention the specification of ideal water as per recommendation of the World Heath Organization (WHO).
6.3 List the different types of water pollutants.
6.4 Describe the sources of water pollution.
6.5 Describe the effects of water pollution on human health, animal, plants and environment.
7 Understand the monitoring of water pollution.
7.1 Define the following terms:
(i) Dissolved oxygen (DO).
(ii) Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).
(iii) Chemical oxygen demand (COD).
(iv) Total organic carbon (TOC).
(v) Threshold limit value (TLV).
7.2 Mention the method of determination of pH value of water.
7.3 Mention the method of determination of dissolved oxygen (DO) in a sample of water.
7.4 Mention the method of determination of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in a sample of water.
7.5 Mention the method of determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD) in a sample of water.
8 Understand the waste water treatment.
8.1 Define the primary treatment, secondary treatment and tertiary treatment of waste water.
8.2 Define the following terms; ETP, Oxidation pond, waste stabilization pond, trickling filter, Activated slug.
8.3 Mention the methods of primary and secondary treatment of industrial waste water.
9 Understand the sound pollution and its control.
9.1 Define sound, sound wave and sound pollution.
9.2 Mention the scale of measuring sound intensity.
9.3 Mention the sources of sound pollution.
9.4 Describe the effect of sound pollution on human health.
9.5 Describe the methods of control of sound pollution.
10 Understand the soil pollution and its management.
10.1 Define soil pollution.
10.2 List the classification of soil pollution.
10.3 Mention the sources of soil pollution.
10.4 Describe the effect of soil pollution on human health.
11 Understand the radioactive pollution and its control.
11.1 Define radioactive pollution.
11.2 Mention the sources of radioactive pollution.
11.3 List the causes of radioactive pollution.
11.4 Explain the effect of radioactive pollution on human health.
11.5 Describe the method of control of radioactive pollution.
12 Understand the solid waste management.
12.1 Define solid waste.
12.2 List the sources of solid waste.
12.3 Mention the classification of solid waste.
12.4 Mention the methods of collection of solid waste.
12.5 Mention the waste management strategies in Bangladesh.
12.6 Describe the recycling of solid wastes.
12.7 Describe the potential method of disposal of solid waste.
13 Understand the major environmental issues in Bangladesh.
13.1 List the major environmental issues in Bangladesh.
13.2 Describe the following disaster management of Bangladesh
flood, cyclone, tidal surge, Cyclone(SIDR, AILA, Nargis, Tsunami), landslide, earthquakes and salinity.
14 Understand the arsenic pollution in Bangladesh.
14.1 Mention the arsenic pollution of water in Bangladesh.
14.2 Explain the effects of arsenic pollution on human health.
14.3 Describe the causes of arsenic in ground water.
15 Understand the pesticide pollution in Bangladesh and its management.
15.1 Define pesticide.
15.2 Make a list of pesticides.
15.3 Mention the causes of pesticide pollution in Bangladesh.
15.4 Describe the effect of pesticide pollution in the environment.
16 Understand the national environmental legislations and guidelines environmental frame work and policy in Bangladesh.
16.2 Mention environmental act and legislations prescribed for air and water quality.
16.3 Describe environmental act prescribed for industries in Bangladesh.
16.4 Describe the guide lines of environment prescribed for industries in Bangladesh.
16.5 Describe the environmental frame work in Bangladesh.
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