Hanif Enterprise Ticket Counter Number! The Bangladeshi biggest transport name is Hanif Enterprise. Too Many people in Bangladesh is available, who is traveling every day with Hanif Poribohon. It is the largest and most popular bus service in BD. All cities in Bangladesh Hanif Enterprise are famous to others. Today I will share for all peoples to about the Hanif Enterprise All Ticket Counter Address And Mobile Number. If you want to know about this service, just read this full article to get your necessary numbers.
Hanif Enterprise Counter in Dhaka:
- Gabtoli Counter, Dhaka. Phone-8011759.
- Technical Counter, Dhaka. Phone-9008475.
- Kallyanpur Counter, Dhaka. Phone-9008498.
- College Gate Counter, Shaymoli, Dhaka-, Phone-8123439.
- Kalabagan Counter, Dhaka. Phone-8119901.
- Malibagh Counter, Dhaka. Phone-8354748.
- Fakirapool Counter, Dhaka. Phone-01713-049557.
- Arambagh Counter, Dhaka. Phone-7102007.
- Shaydabad Counter, Dhaka. Phone-01713-049559.
- Janopath Counter, Dhaka. Phone-7554318.
- Uttara Counter, Dhaka. Phone-01711-974073.
- Nordda Office, Dhaka. Phone-01712-894932.
Hanif Enterprise Counter in Chittagong Office:
- Chittagong Office -1 : 9/2, BRTC Market, Chittagong. Phone: 638322, 01191706725, 01713107143
- Chittagong Office -2 : Bahaddarhat,Chittagong, Phone: 656088,0171310747
- Chittagong Office -3 : Cinema Palace,Chittagong, Phone: 603430,01713107146
- Dampara Office : Phone: 01191706726
Cox’s Bazar Hanif Enterprise Booking Counters:
- Zhautala: 01713-402668
- Kolatala: 01713-402669
Some more Hanif Enterprise Booking Counters:
Rajshahi: 01713-201700
Natore: 01713-201703
Khulna: 01713-049562
Jessore: 01713-049560
Rangpur: 01713-402650
Bogra: 01713-049554
Hanif Enterprise Counter in Sylhet Office:
- Madina Market, Sylhet. Phone-01711-922415
- Dargagate Counter, Sylhet. Phone-01711-922419
- Sobahani Counter, Sylhet. Phone-01711-922421
- Kadomtoli Bus Stand Counter, Sylhet. Phone-01711-922413
- Moulavibazar Counter, Moulavibazar. Phone-0861-53141, Mobile-01711-922417
- Shreemongol Counter, Shreemongol. Phone-01711-922418.
All Counter of Cox’s Bazar
Cox’s Bazar Counters (কক্সবাজার মেইন কাউন্টার)
Mobile No: 01713-402651.
Chakaria, Counter (চকরিয়া কাউন্টার)
Mobile No: 01985-650479, 01689-840531
Kolatoli Road Counters (কোলাতলী রোড কাউন্টার)
Mobile No: 01713-402653, 01713-402669
Sugandha Beach Counters (সুগন্ধাবীচ)
Mobile No: 01713-402635, 01713-402651
Teknaf Countes (টেকনাফ কাউন্টার)
Mobile No: 01825-157324
All Counters of Jessore Divission
Jessore counters (যশোর মেইন কাউন্টার)
Mobile No: 01713-049560.
New market counters (নিউ মার্কেট)
Mobile No: 0421-71173, 0421-67838.
Manihar counters (মনিহার কাউন্টার)
Mobile No: 0421-71171, 0421-63717.
Gari khana counters (গাড়ীখানা)
Mobile No: 01713-049560.
Benapole counters (বেনাপোল)
Mobile No: 01713-402640.
Magura counters (মাগুড়া কাউন্টার)
Mobile No: 0488-63495, 01921-401403.
Jhenaidah counters (ঝিনাইদাহ জেলা কাউন্টার)
Mobile No 01712-952975.
Wapda counters (ওয়াপদা কাউন্টার)
Mobile No: 01718-692440
All Counter of Khulna
Royal Cattor Counters (রয়েল চত্ত্বর)
Mobile No: 01713-049562, 041-810451.
Sonadanga Bus Terminal (সোনাডাঙ্গা বাসষ্ট্যান্ড)
Mobile No: 0418-10542, 0418-10453.
Notun Rasta Counters (নতুন রাস্তা)
Mobile No: 0417-60186
Nawaya Para Counters (নওয়াপাড়া)
Mobile No: 01740-591539
Shibbari Counters (শিববাড়ী)
Mobile No: 0417-23996
Daulatpur Counters (দৌলতপুর)
Mobile No: 0412-850724
Siromoni Counters (শিরমন্তি)
Mobile No: 0417-86115
Fulbari Gate Counters (ফুলবাড়ী গেইট)
Mobile No: 01918-605196
Roj barg Counters (রোজবাগ)
Mobile No: 0417-01432
Boyra Bazar Counters (বয়রাবাজার)
Mobile No: 0412-850911
All Counter of Rajshahi Divission
Rajshahi counters (রাজশাহী কাউন্টার)
Mobile No: 0721-773361, 01713-201700
Chapai counters (চাঁপাইনবাবগঞ্জ)
Mobile No: 01713-201701
Natore counters (নাটোর কাউন্টার)
Mobile No: 01713-201703, 0771-66227.
All Counter of Bogra counters
Bogra counters (বগুড়া)
Mobile No: 01713-049554
Satmatha Park Road Bogra Counters (সাতমাথা বগুড়া)
Mobile No: 0516-6271
Bogra Banani Counters (বনানী বগুড়া)
Mobile No: 0516-6271
Thanthania counters (ঠনঠনিয়া)
Mobile No: 0516-0940.
All Counters of Rangpur Divission
Rangpur counters (রংপুর কাউন্টার)
Mobile No 01713-402650, 01713402646,052155717.
Thakurgaon And Panchagarh Counters
Ruhiya Counters (রুহিভা)
Mobile No: 01713-784925
Panchagarh Counters (বোদা কাউন্টার)
Mobile No: 01713-201705.
Bhulli Counters (ভুল্লি)
Mobile No: 01713-744454
Boda Counters (বোদা কাউন্টার)
Mobile No: 01716-264734
Thakurgaon Counters (ঠাকুরগাঁও মেইন কাউন্টার)
Mobile No: 01713-201704
Birganj Counters (বীরগঞ্জ)
Mobile No: 01714-228939
Thakurgaon Road Counters (ঠাকুরগাঁও রোড)
Mobile No: 01722-601369
Baliya danga counters (বালিয়াডাঙ্গা)
Mobile No: 01767-054290
Nek mor counters (নেকমোড়)
Mobile No: 01710-629974
Rani Bandar Counters (রানীবাজার)
Mobile No: 01748-905902.
All Counters of Barisal division
Barisal counters (বরিশাল কাউন্টার)
Mobile No: 01713-450760, 0431-2174768.
Bakerganj Upazila Counters (বাকেরগঞ্জ উপজেলা)
Mobile No: 01716-507713
Sanauhar, Ujirpur Counters (উজিরপুর, সানাউহার)
Mobile No: 01728-972063
Rahmatpur, Babuganj Counters (বহমতপুর বাবুগঞ্জ)
Mobile No: 01725-658269
Gournadi Counters (ঘুরনদী)
Mobile No: 01723-929122
Batajore counters (বাতাজুরি)
Mobile No: 01751-506010
Bhorghata Counters (ভোরঘাটা)
Mobile No: 01712-283882
Torki Bazar Counters (তুর্কিবাজার)
Mobile No: 01712-135900
Jhalakathi counters (ঝালকাঠি)
Mobile No: 01723-388995
Rajapur counters (রাজাপুর ঝালকাঠি)
Mobile No: 01712-035750
Kathalia counters (কাঠালিয়া ঝালকাঠি)
Mobile No: 01710-623811
Amua Bazar Kanthalia Counters (আমুয়া বাজার ঝালকাঠি)
Mobile No: 01730-935943
Swarupkathi Counters (স্বারুপকাঠি)
Mobile No: 01711-730405
Bundaria Counters (ভান্ডারিয়া, পিরোজপুর)
Mobile No: 01711-219377
Kawkhali Upazila Counters (কাউখালী)
Mobile No: 01715-951813
Islady Counters (ইসলাদী)
Mobile No: 01712-367244
Mathbaria Counters (মঠবাড়ীয়া)
Mobile No: 01914-848592, 01748-912751
Patuakhali Counters (পটুয়াখালী)
Mobile No: 01740-991616
Subivadkhali (সুবিবাধখালী)
Mobile No: 01778-123630
Patuakhali Kalapara Counters (কালাপাড়া)
Mobile No: 01721-048838
Barguna Amtali Counters (আমতলী কাউন্টার)
Mobile No: 01918-887769
Hanif Paribahan Ticket Price Information:
The ticket price of Hanif is very affordable. Ticket prices off all places are not same, it varies on destination. It also depends on AC and Non-AC buses. Ticket prices of mostly visited route are given below:
Dhaka To Chittagong | Non AC: 430 Taka AC: 900-1100 Taka |
Dhaka To Cox’s Bazar | Non AC: 700 Taka (Ramu) 800 Taka (Teknaf) AC: 1400 Taka (Economy) AC: 2000 Taka (Executive) |
Dhaka To Shylet | Non AC: 450 Taka |
Dhaka To Rajshahi | Non AC: 600 Taka |
Dhaka ToNatore | Non AC: 600 Taka |
Dhaka To Rangpur | Non AC: 500 Taka |
Dhaka To Khulna | Non AC: 550 Taka |
We hope all peoples can get more update information about the Hanif Enterprise Ticket Counter Mobile Number. Have you any question about this service, please comments the box. We will try best to solve your problem. Thanks to all peoples for being with us.