The Ministry of Education will publish the College admission result 2019 of HSC on 10th June 2019. All the SSC passed students have applied to their dream college via XI Class admission system. Online Application has completed and the result will be out very soon.
The specific education board, the college will be published the Admission results where the candidates will get their Result by SMS. The Result message will be sent automatically from the system.
The Applicant can also check their Admission result quickly from the internet through the official Website of XI Class Admission system. The official website address is
We have talked to the management of the HSC Admission system 2019-20 that is BUET. The Management informed us that, they will publish the result at midnight and the candidates will receive the Result message before morning.
If someone won’t receive his/her result message can also check the result quickly from online with Board name, Roll number & Registration number of secondary school certificate exam.