Kapotaskh Express is a Train of Khulna to Rajshahi and Rajshahi to Khulna Route. Kapotaskh Express Train Schedule is available here for both up and down Train. A large number of People Journey by Train. Most of the People don’t know the Ticket price of this train. Too many categories are available on its. So, you can purchase the desired Ticket from Online (eTicketing), Mobile Ticket and also from Ticket Counter of any stopped Stations.
We added all information about Kapotaskh Express Online Ticket Booking System, Ticket Price and more. Just reading the post. You May Also Like Dhumketue Express
Kapotaskh Express Khulna to Rajshahi Train Schedule:
Train Number: 715
Train Route: Khulna– Rajshahi
Starting Station: Khulna
Starting Time: 06.30 AM
Destination Station: Rajshahi
Arrival Time: 1.10 PM
Off Day: Saturday
Kapotaskh Express Rajshahi to Khulna Train Schedule
Train Number: 716
Train Route: Rajshahi– Khulna
Starting Station: Rajshahi
Starting Time: 02.00 PM
Destination Station: Khulna
Arrival Time: 8.20 PM
Off Day: Saturday
Khulna To Rajshahi Ticket Price
Total Distance from Khulna To Rajshahi is about The distance between these two districts is about 200 kilometer. According to the distance and facilities of the Destination, Bangladesh Railway determines the ticket price
First Class Chair – BDT.225.00
First Birth – BDT.360.00
Snigdha (AC)- BDT.345.00
AC Seat – BDT. 414.00
AC Birth – BDT.621.00
If you want to more information about Kapotaskh Express Train Schedule, Ticket Price, Just Contact us. Try to solve your problem and give more information. Thanks for visiting our website and Reading the full Content.
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