To provide the student with an opportunity to develop knowledge, skill and attitude inthe area of optical fiber communication with special emphasis on:
• optical fiber communication
• structure of optical fiber
• transmission characteristics
• bit rate and bandwidth of fiber optic cables
• fiber fabrication
• optical fiber cables
• optical fiber waveguides
• optical fiber connection
• light emitting diode.
• LASER diode.
Optical fiber communication; structure of optical fiber; Transmission characteristicsbit rate and bandwidth of fiber optic cables; Fiber fabrication; Optical fiber cables;Optical fiberwaveguides; Optical fiber connection ; Light emitting diode and LASER diode.
1 Understand the basic concept of optical fiber communication.
1.1 Describe the historical development of optical fiber communication.
1.2 Describe the general optical fiber communication system with block
1.3 Mention the advantages of optical fiber communication.
2 Understand the basic concept of optical fiber.
2.1 Define the propagation of light in different media.
2.2 Explain the propagation of light waves in optical fiber.
2.3 Describe the basic structure of optical fiber.
2.4 Describe the ray theory transmission light propagation in optical fibers.
2.5 Describe the electromagnetic mode theory for optical propagation.
3Understand the transmission characteristics of optical fibers.
3.1 Describe the attenuation and material absorption losses in optical fiber.
3.2 Describe the scattering and fiber bend loss.
3.3 Describe different types of dispersion of optical fiber.
3.4 Describe the types and structure of polarization maintaining fiber.
3.5 Define the basic concept of nonlinear phenomena in optical fiber.
3.6 Describe the basic mechanism of Absorption.
3.7 Explain Intermodal and Chromatic Dispersion.
3.8 Define Bit Rate and Bandwidth of a fiber optic cable for graded index
Multimode and single mode.
4 Understand the basic features of optical fiber.
4.1 Describe the construction of different types of optical fiber.
4.2 Describe the characteristics of different types of optical fiber.
4.3 Describe the characteristics of latest developed types of optical fiber.
4.4 Define the mechanism of refractive index variation.
4.5 Describe the procedure of mechanical strength measurement of optical
5 Understand the concept of fiber fabrication.
5.1 Mention the classification of fiber fabrication techniques.
5.2 Describe the external chemical vapor deposition of spoot technique
(external CVD).
5.3 Describe the internal chemical vapor deposing of glass (Internal CVD).
5.4 Describe the external chemical vapor deposition of glass (plasma CVD).
5.5 Describe the multi element and phasil system.
5.6 Mention the comparison of various fabrication processes.
5.7 Describe the fiber drawing and coating.
5.8 Describe the double–crucible and “ROD-IN-TUBE” method for fiber
6 Understand the basic features of optical fiber cables.
6.1Mention the functions of optical fiber cables.
6.2 Describe the construction of different types of fiber cable.
6.3 Describe the major considerations of cable design.
6.4 Explain minimum bend radius and losses incurred during installation of
cable or during subscriber service.
6.5Mention the standard tests during fiber cable testing.
6.6Describe the flow chart of cable selection criteria.
7 Understand the features of optical fiber Waveguides.
7.1 Describe the modes, mode coupling, ray transmission in step indexfiber.
7.2 Describe the ray transmission procedure in multimode graded indexfiber.
7.3 Describe the propagation modes in single mode fibers.
7.4 Describe Attenuation in a Single mode fiber.
8 Understand the concept of optical fiber connection.
8.1 Define the terms fiber alignment and joint loss.
8.2 Describe single and multimode fiber joints.
8.3 Describe different processes of fiber splices.
8.4 Describe different types of fiber connectors.
8.5 Describe different types of fiber couplers.
9 Understand the features of light emitting diode.
9.1 Define the basic concept of light sources for optical fibers.
9.2 Describe the processes involved in LEDs.
9.3 Mention different types of LED.
9.4 Describe the structure of LED.
9.5 Mention the properties of LED materials.
9.6 Describe the characteristics of LED.
9.7 Describe the process of fiber LED coupling .
9.8 Describe the modulation bandwidth and spectral emission of LEDs.
9.10 Define the basic principle of LASER Diodes (LDs).
9.11 Describe the characteristics of LASER Diodes (LDs).
1. Study different types of optical fiber.
2. Study the structure of different types of optical fiber.
3. Study the characteristics of optical fiber.
4. Study connectors for fiber cables in field level.
5. Measure single mode and multimode fiber diameter and speed.
6. Measure the mechanical strength of optical fiber.
7. Study the external CVD fabrication technique of optical fiber.
8. Study the internal CVD fabrication technique of optical fiber.
9. Study the plasma CVD fabrication technique of optical fiber.
10. Study the double crucible and RON in TUBE method for fiber fabrication.
11. Study the construction of different types of fiber cable.
12. Study the operation of optical fiber wave guide.
13. Study the joining procedure of single and multimode fiber.
14. Study different processes of fiber splices.
15. Study the construction and operation of different types of fiber coupler.
16. Study the construction and operation of LED.
17. Study the process of fiber and LED coupling.
18. Setup a campus LAN using single mode fiber optic cable and connector.
1. Optical Fiber Communications Principles and Practice
2. Optical Fiber and Fiber Optic Communication System
– Subir Kumar Sarker
3. Fiber-Optic Communications Technology
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