Bandarban district postcode and area code. If you want to know the postcode and area code of the Bandarban district. Then you can easily know the postcode from this post. Postcode is a very important thing for everyone. If you want to send a thing from one place to another with the help of the post office. Then you must know the postcode of another post office. We will highlight the postcode of all post offices in the Bandarban district today.
Bandarban District Post Office
If you are a resident of Bandarban district. Or want to send something inside Bandarban district. Then you must know the postcode of that post office. For your convenience, we have compiled the postcode of all post offices in the Bandarban district today. From here you can know all the post numbers of Bandarban district. If you want to get the service of the post office. Then you must go to the post office between 9 am and 5 pm.
Area code of Bandarban district
Postcode and area code are very similar. However, different area codes are given depending on the place. So that you can know the area code in different places of Bandarban district. For that, we have created a special area code list. It will help you to know about the area code.
Zip/Post Code: Thana (Police Station): Sub Office:
4600 Bandarban Sadar Bandarban Sadar
4610 Roanchhari Roanchhari
4620 Ruma Ruma
4630 Thanchi Thanchi
4641 Thanchi Lama
Post office code number
If you know the code number of the post office. You can send the thing you need to a specific destination. And each post office has a different postcode number. Many people search the internet for postcode numbers. In today’s post, we have highlighted the postcode list of all post offices in the Bandarban district.
District |
Thana |
Sub Office |
Post Code (Postal Code) |
Bandarban | Bandarban Sadar | Bandarban Sadar | 4800 |
Bandarban | Naikhang | Naikhang | 480 |
Bandarban | Rangchhari | Rangchhari | 4810 |
Bandarban | Ruma | Ruma | 4820 |
Bandarban | Thanchi | Lama | 4641 |
Bandarban | Thanchi | Thanchi | 4830 |
Bandarban | Alikadam | Alikadam | 4650 |
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