• To develop knowledge and skill to prepare programs in C.
• To develop knowledge and skill to create, compile, debug & execute C programs.
Basics of C program; Data types; Variables; Operators; Expressions; Input-Output statements; Branching and Looping statements; Arrays; preprocessors, Functions, Pointers; Structures and Unions; File operations and Graphics.
1 Understand fundamentals of C Programming
1.1 Describe the historical development of C Programs.
1.2 Describe the Basic structure of C program and programming style .
1.3 State the difference of C with other high level languages.
1.4 Explain the process of program planning.
1.5 Describe algorithm and flow chart.
1.6 Prepare algorithm and flow chart for simple problems.
1.7 State the process of compiling C program.
1.8 Write simple programs using basic structure of C program.
2 Understand data types, constants and variables.
2.1 Describe the data types in C.
2.2 Explain constants and variables in C.
2.3 Describe the keywords and identifiers in C.
2.4 Mention the use of qualifiers in data types.
2.5 Declare variables and asign values to variables.
2.6 State the type conversion and type defination in C.
2.7 Write simple programs using constants and variables.
3 Understand Operators and Expressions.
3.1 State C operators and their classification.
3.2 Describe the arithmetic, relational, logical, assignment, increment, decrement and conditional operators.
3.3 Explain the bitwise and special operators.
3.4 Write arithmetic expression & its evaluation.
3.5 Describe the precedence of arithmatic operators.
3.6 Mention operator precedence and associativity.
3.7 Write simple programs using operators and expressions.
4 Understand the input and output operations.
a. Describe the statement getting input from keyboard.
b. Describe the statements printing output on screen and by printer.
c. State the codes used for formatted I/O.Statements.
d. Mention the escape sequence in C.
e. Write programs using I/O statements.
5 Understand the Branching and Looping Statements.
5.1 Describe the conditional an unconditional branching flow.
5.2 State the statement for conditional and unconditional branching.
5.3 Explain the format for branching statements.
5.4 Describe the conditional an unconditional Looping flow.
5.5 State the statement for conditional and unconditional Looping.
5.6 Explain the format for looping statements
5.7 Write programs using branching and looping statements.
6 Understand arrays
Define arrays
Describe the dimension of arrays.
Initialize arrays.
Write programs using arrays.
7 Understand preprocessor statements in C.
7.1 Describe the preprocessor directives and their functions.
7.2 Define header.
7.3 Describe the process of including header in routine.
7.4 Explain the use of macro.
7.5 Describe the advantage of macros over functions in programs
7.6 Write programs using preprocessor statements.
8 Understand pointer and its application.
8.1 Define pointer.
8.2 Describe the characteristics of pointer.
8.3 Explain pointer expressions.
8.4 Write programs using pointers.
9 Understand Function.
9.1 Explain library function and user defined function.
9.2 Describe the process of calling functions and returning values from functions in C.
9.3 Describe arguments used in functions.
9.4 Mention function prototype.
9.5 Write programs using library function and user defined function..
10 Understand structure and union.
10.1 Describe structure and union.
10.2 Mention structure and union declaration.
10.3 Distinguish between structure and union.
10.4 Write simple programs using structure and union.
11 Understand file operations.
11.1 Describe file operations.
11.2 State the modes of opening files.
11.3 Describe the functions that support character I/O.
11.4 Explain the routines for performing formatted I/O to files
11.5 Write programs for reading, writing and editing files.
12 Understand graphics and its application.
12.1 Describe how graphics are created in computers.
12.2 State resolution.
12.3 Describe the graphic statements for creating point, line, circle, arc and polygon.
12.4 Describe the statements required for selecting color and filling shapes by color.
12.5 Describe the statements used to copy and move text and graphics.
12.6 Write programs to create simple graphics..
Perform skill to create, compile, debug & execute C programs to solve specific problems.
1. Test simple programs using basic structure of C program
1.1 Test a program for printing a message.
1.2 Test a program for adding two integer numbers.
2. Test simple programs using constants and variables
2.1 Test a program to calculate the average of a set of N numbers..
2.2 Test a program to convert the given temperature in fahrenheit to celcius and vice versa.
2.3 Test a program to calculate the area of a circle.
3. Test programs using operators and expressions.
3.1 Test a program to convert days to months and days.
3.2 Test a program to calculate the area of a traingle..
3.3 Test a program to compare two integer numbers
4. Test programs using I/O statements.
4.1 Test a program for reading integer/real number.
4.2 Test a program for summation of three floating point numbers from keyboard.
4.3 Test a program to convert centimeter to inch using scanf () and Printf () statements.
5. Test programs using Branching Statements.
5.1 Test a program to select and print the largest of the three numbers.
5.2 Test a program to compute the roots of a quadratic equation.
5.3 Test a program to count vowels from a string of ten characters using switch statement.
6 Test programs using Looping Statements
6.1 Test a program to print odd or even numbers from 1 to 100..
6.2 Test a program to find the maximum or minimum number from a set of numbers
6.3 Test a program for searching prime numbers.
7 Test programs using arrays.
7.1 Test a program to sort numbers in ascending or descending order using one dimensional array..
7.2 Test a program to print numbers in two dimensional form.
7.3 Test a program for matrix multiplication.
8. Test programs using preprocessor statements.
8.1 Test a program to determine hypotenuse of right angled triangle using macro.
8.2 Test a program to determine the area of a triangle using nested macro.
9 Test programs using pointers.
9.1 Test a program to illustrate the use of pointers in arithmatic operations.
9.2 Test a program using pointers to compute the sum of all elements stored in an array.
10 Test programs using functions.
10.1 Test a program to calculate the area of a triangle using function.
10.2 Test a program that uses a function. to sort an array of integers.
10.3 Test a program calculate factorial of any integer using recursive function.
11 Test programs using using structure and union..
11.1 Test a program to store and retrive data using structure.
11.2 Test a program sample program using union.
12 Test programs using files.
12.1 Test a program to store information to or to read information from sequential file.
12.2 Test a program to store information to or to read information from random file.
12.3 Test a program to convert lower to uper case conversion. using file.
13 Test programs using graphics.
13.1 Test a program to draw a line with different styles.
13.2 Test a program to. draw a circle with different colours.
13.3 Test a program to. generate nested ellipse