To develop knowledge and skill in program utilities in C and feature of C++
To develop knowledge of Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
To develop knowledge and skill in Java language, it’s syntax, keyword and programming.
Review of formatted I/O, Graphics Elements and program utilities in C.
Object Oriented Programming (OOP),Overview of Data Types, Variables, Arrays, Operators, and Control Statements, Classes, Objects, Methods, and Constructors,
Inheritance and Polymorphism, Packages, Interfaces, Multithreaded Programming, Enumerations, Autoboxing, and Annotations (Metadata).
1. Understand Graphics Elements in C
1.1 State the concept of pixel and resolution
1.2 State the format and use of line( ),rectangle( ), bar( ), bar3d( ), Circle( ), ellipse( ),
fillellipse( ) and sector( ) functions with example
1.3 State the format and use of Arc( ), pieslice( ), drawpoly( ) and fillpoly( ) outtextxy( ) &
settextstyle( ), cleardevice( ), delay( ), sound( ) & nosound( ), functions with example
1.4 Mention the use of modified cprintf( ) and cscanf( ) functions for I/O operation.
1.5 Write program for developing color image using above graphics functions.
1.6 State the procedure of saving and loading an image in C.
1.7 Show the procedure to move text string on the screen.
2. Understand the principles of program Utilities in C
2.1 Describe the principle of detecting a function key with software interrupt.
2.2 Show the use of system timer in C.
2.3 Describe the creation of mouse pointer in C.
2.4 State the procedure of showing text and numeric values in graphics mode
2.5 Show the procedure of moving object in C
2.6 Show the procedure of creating 3D object in C
3 Understand the concept of object oriented programming (OOP)
3.1 Describe the software evolution.
3.2 Mention the drawbacks of traditional programming.
3.3 State the terms used in OOP-objects, classes, data abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance,
polymorphism, message passing, and dynamic binding.
3.4 Mention the name of some the OOP languages.
3.5 State the benefits of OOP.
3.6 Mention the application of OOP.
4 Understand the overview of C++.
4.1 Write the features of C++ as OOP.
4.2 Describe the structure of C++ program.
4.3 State the features of classes in C++
4.4 Describe the function overloading.
4.5 Describe the Input /Output Stream (IOS) and related classes of C++
4.6 Describe constructor, copy constructor, destructor and friend functions in C++.
4.7 Write sample I/O program using C++ functions.
5 Understand the features of Java
5.1 Describe the history of Java.
5.2 Describe Java development environment steps.
5.3 Mention the differences between Java and C++
5.4 Mention the applications of Java.
5.5 Describe programming style and convention of Java.
5.6 Describe white space, identifiers, literals, comments, separators and keywords of Java.
5.7 Write the structure of Java program
6 Understand the use of Data types, Variables, Arrays, Operators and Control Statements in Java
6.1 State the data types (primitives, non-primitive and literals) of Java programs.
6.2 Describe the declaration and dynamic initialization of variables in java.
6.3 Describe the scope and lifetime of variables in java.
6.4 State the process of accepting input from a user and option panes
6.5 Describe the control flow statements in Java.
6.6 Describe the use of arrays in Java.
6.4 Write Java programs using arrays, operators and control statements.
7 Understand Classes, Objects, Methods, and Constructors in Java
7.1 Describe the declaration (syntax) of class and object in Java.
7.2 State for assigning an object reference variables.
7.3 Define Method with syntax.
7.4 State the procedure of adding Method to class.
7.5 Describe the advantages of Method.
7.6 Describe the overloading Method in java.
7.7 Describe the constructor and overloading constructor in java.
7.8 Explain the instance variable hiding, and garbage collection.
7.9 Write java programs relating to class, object, method and constructor.
8 Understand the inheritance and polymorphism
8.1 Define super class and sub class.
8.2 Describe the multilevel hierarchy of inheritance.
8.3 Describe the overridden methods in java.
8.4 Describe dynamic run-time polymorphism in java.
8.5 Describe the abstract and object classes in java.
8.6 Mention the uses of final keyword.
8.7 Write java programs relating to inheritance and polymorphism.
9. Understand Packages and Interfaces
9.1 Define the packages with syntax
9.2 Describe the function of packages
9.3 Mention the different levels of class member access.
9.4 Define the interfaces with syntax.
9.5 Describe the implementation of interfaces.
9.6 Explain the nested interfaces.
9.7 Describe the variables in interfaces.
9.8 Write java programs that related to package and interface.
10 Understand multithreaded programming
10.1 Define multithreaded programming with syntax.
10.2 Mention the different between processed-based and thread-based multitasking
10.3 Mention the several methods of thread class with state diagram.
10.4 Describe the way to create the several types of thread.
10.5 Describe the minimum, default and maximum thread priorities.
10.6 Describe the synchronization interthread communication method.
10.7 Describe the suspending, resuming and stopping threads.
10.8 Write java programs using multithreaded programming method.
11 Understand Enumerations, Autoboxing, and Annotations (Metadata)
11.1 Define enumeration with syntax.
11.2 Mention the different between values () and value of () methods.
11.3 Describe the type wrappers in java program.
11.4 Describe the different types of Autoboxing/Unboxing.
11.5 Describe the Annotations with example.
11.6 Describe the different types of built-in annotations.
11.7 Mention the restrictions of annotations.
11.8 Write java programs that related to Enumerations, Autoboxing, and Annotations.
12 Understanding I/O Operations
12.1 Describe the Byte stream and Character Stream Classes.
12.2 Describe the Reading Console Input and Writing Console Output.
12.3 Mention the constructors for creating File objects.
12.4 Describe the Reading and Writing files in java.
12.5 Describe flowchart of a complete java streams.
12.6 Describe the Random Access File Streams.
12.7 Write java programs relating I/O operation.
01. Write and execute C program for developing color images.
02. Write and execute C program for moving text on the screen.
03. Write and execute C program for detecting function key using software interrupt.
04. Write and execute C program for developing a system timer.
05. Write and execute C program for moving object in C
06 Write and execute C program for creating 3D object in C
07. Write and execute sample I/O program using C++ classes
07. Write and execute sample I/O program using C++ functions
08. Install a Java Development Kit /Net beans software
09. Write and execute java program for displaying text messages.
10. Write and execute java programs using arrays and control flow statements.
11. Write and execute java programs using class, object, method and constructor.
12. Write and execute java programs using inheritance and polymorphism.
13. Write and execute java programs using package.
14. Write and execute java programs using interface.
15. Write and execute java programs using multithreaded programming method.
16. Write and execute java programs using Enumerations, Autoboxing, and Annotations.
17. Write and execute java programs using I/O operation.
1. The Complete Reference of Java- Herbert Schildt
2. JAVA How to Program- P.J. Deitel and H.M. Deitel
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Related URL links : : Java Development Kit, Development tools, Java Tutorial : A vendor-neutral open development platform and application frameworks for building software UML resources : Free electronic version of the book
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