To provides the students with an opportunity to acquire knowledge, skill & attitude in
the field of visual programming with an special emphasis on:
- visual program environment
- design and development of visual programs
- modification of codes generated by Visual Basic Programs.
Review the concepts of OOP; Visual Basic Fundamentals; Visual Basic variables , constants , operators and expressions; Visual Basic codes; Program flow & control statements; Visual Basic form and design; MDI application; Functionality of form with controls; Visual Basic debugging; Objects & classes in VBA; Printer object; Visual Basic data access & control methods.
1 Review the concepts of OOP.
- State object oriented programming and procedure oriented programming.
- Describe object,class & attributes with example.
- Describe encapsulation,inheritance,polymorphism,data abstraction &
message passing in oop.
2 Understand the concepts of Visual Basic.
- Define visual programming.
- Distinguish between the character based systems and graphical user
2.3 Describe the features of visual programming.
2.4 Describe the advantage and disadvantage of visual programming.
2.5 Mention the steps to prepare Visual Basic programs.
2.6 Describe Visual Interface components.
3 Understand Visual Basic Variables , Constants and Keywords.
3.1 Mention different variables and constants.
3.2 Mention the data types with important aspects in Visual Basic.
3.3 Mention the method of declaring variable with syntax in Visual Basic.
3.4 Mention the rules for naming variables in Visual Basic.
3.5 Describe the scope and life time of variables in Visual Basic.
3.6 Describe the syntax of fixed size and variable size array in Visual Basic.
3.7 State the meaning of special values like Null, Empty, Error, etc, of
variant variables.
3.8 Describe the concept of passing variables to procedures.
3.9 Describe the importance of user defined data types.
3.10 Describe visual basic keywords.
4 Understand Visual Basic Operators and Expressions.
4.1 Define operators.
4.2 Describe the arithmetic, comparison, logical, assignment, concatenation , Mod,IMP and EQV operators.
4.3 State Expressions.
4.4 Write arithmetic expression & its implementation in VB.
4.5 Describe the precedence of arithmatic operators.
4.6 Mention operator precedence and associativity.
5 Understand VB Projects, codes, program flow and control statements.
5.1 Define projects.
5.2 Mention the project type with major features in Visual Basic.
5.3 State the file types with major features of Visual Basic project.
5.4 Mention the purpose of using general page, make page and compile
5.5 Describe modules and procedures in Visual Basic.
5.6 Mention the general rules for procedures of Visual Basic.
5.7 Describe the important aspects of each components of Visual Basic
subroutines & functions.
5.8 Describe the important parts of Visual Basic code window/editor.
5.9 Describe the structure and format of program flow and control
6 Understand Visual Basic form design.
6.1 Define form and application window.
6.2 List the most common properties with important features of Visual Basic
6.3 List the methods with important features in Visual Basic.
6.4 Define form events.
6.5 Describe form maintenance and form operation events.
6.6 Describe form mouse and form key board events.
6.7 Describe the important aspects of built-in-dialog boxes.
7 Understand MDI application.
- Define MDI parent and MDI child form.
- Mention the behavior of MDI child form.
- Define Menu and Popup menus.
- List the menu item property and their functions.
8 Understand the functionality of form with controls.
- List the controls in Visual Basic form.
- State the functions and name prefixes of Visual Basic controls.
8.3 Describe the unique properties, methods and events of common
8.4 State the meaning of OLE container control.
8.5 State array and their classification.
8.6 Describe one and multidimensional arrays.
8.7 Define control array.
8.8 Mention the benefits of using control arrays.
8.9 State the meaning of control focus.
9 Understand the Visual Basic debugging.
9.1 Describe the errors of visual basic application (VBA)
9.2 List the important aspects of syntax, logical and runtime errors.
9.3 Mention the important point for avoiding errors.
9.4 Describe the debugging techniques.
10 Understand objects and classes in VBA.
10.1 List the visible and invisible objects in VBA.
10.2 Mention the advantages of using objects in Visual Basic.
10.3 State the principle of component object model (COM).
10.4 Mention the syntax of statements of using objects in VBA.
10.5 List the properties and methods of a typical class module.
10.6 Describe the property procedure in VBA.
10.7 Define collections.
10.8 State the operations supported by collections in VBA.
11 Understand the Printer Object.
11.1 Mention the print routine variables with their meaning.
11.2 Mention a sample print routine code.
11.3 Describe the printer objects properties.
11.4 Mention the code to search and display printer information.
11.5 Describe the important features and tools of crystal reports.
12 Understand Visual Basic data access and control methods.
12.1 Describe the formats encountered in text files.
12.2 Describe the syntax for reading text files.
12.3 Describe the Visual Basic file handling commands.
12.4 Describe the data control and its associated properties & methods.
1 Demonstrate with the overall layout of the Visual Basic environment and
development tools.
1.1 Invoke to the Visual Basic software.
1.2 Identify the components of the user interface.
1.3 Navigate each of the development tools.
1.4 Acquaint the integrated development environment of the package.
1.5 Write a report.
2 Perform the development of simple new application using Visual Basic
which contain at least two controls such as textbox, command button, combo box etc.
2.1 Invoke to the Visual Basic.
2.2 Design the interface.
2.3 Write the code.
2.4 Save the project.
2.5 Run the application.
2.6 Make and run an executable (.exe) files.
- Write a VB program to add any two arbitrary numbers.
- Write a program to calculate the area of a triangle.
- Write a program to calculate the sum of the following series:
5.1 1+2+3+ …………………..+ N
5.2 2+4+6+……………………..+N
5.3 1+3+5+………………………+N
5.4 22+42+62+…………………+N2
6.Write a program to find the roots of a quadratic equation.
7.Write a program to calculate factorial of any integer using function.
- Write a program to find the prime number of any integer number N.
9.Write a program to select and print the largest of the three numbers .
10.Write a program to sort numbers in ascending or descending order using array.
- Write a program to convert the given temperature in fahrenheit to celcius and vice versa.
- Write a program to print odd or even numbers from 1 to 100.
13.Write a program to find the Fibonacci series.
14.Write a program to design & development of a Visual Basic Interface for
displaying the grade of students using if….then….else statement.
- Write a program to design & development of a Visual Basic Interface to build a math
calculator which will be able to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
16 Create an database application with the data control using data combo, data list control, data grid, ADO, DAO data control and manipulate data.
17 Create a Project for responding to keyboard and mouse Events.
18 Create report using data report of VB with page setup.
- Create report using third party report designer such as crystal report.
- Visual Basic 6.0 by Md. Masud Reza
- Visual Basic 6.0 by Mahbubur Rahman
- Visual Basic 6.0 by Kamruzzaman Niton
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