Santahar train schedule, Ticket Price! Santahar is very Popular Railway Station in Bogra. Are you searching Train Schedule of Santahar Railway Station? Then this is a Right Post here we provide you with the full information about Santahar Railway Station Train Schedule, Off Day, Ticket Price & more. There are Many trains from this station going to different places. We collect all information about Santahar Railway Station Train Details.
There are many people don’t know Santahar Railway Station Train Schedule, Ticket Fare. Are you looking for Santahar Railway Train ticket of this Route or want to know the Ticket Price? Don’t worry. We are here to help you. In this post, we provide Santahar Railway Station Train Schedule, Railway ticket booking system, Ticket Fare (Price), Online Ticket Purchase system, train Schedule (Time Table), Off Day and Stop Station Info.
Intercity Trains From Santahar
Name | Off Day | From | Departure | To | Arrival |
Ekota Express | Tuesday | Santahar | 16:00 | Dinajpur | 18:50 |
Ekota Express | Monday | Santahar | 01:55 | Dhaka | 08:10 |
Karotoa Express | No | Santahar | 09:00 | Burimari | 15:00 |
Rupsha Express | Thursday | Santahar | 13:30 | Chilahati | 17:00 |
Rupsha Express | Thursday | Santahar | 11:45 | Khulna | 17:40 |
Barandra Express | Sunday | Santahar | 17:30 | Chilahati | 21:50 |
Barandra Express | Sunday | Santahar | 09:45 | Rajshahi | 12:05 |
Titumir Express | Wednesday | Santahar | 08:50 | Chilahati | 13:00 |
Titumir Express | Wednesday | Santahar | 18:25 | Rajshahi | 21:10 |
Simanta Express | No | Santahar | 02:50 | Chilahati | 06:20 |
Simanta Express | No | Santahar | 22:20 | Khulna | 04:15 |
Lalmoni Express | Friday | Santahar | 04:35 | Lalmonirhat | 08:20 |
Lalmoni Express | Friday | Santahar | 14:30 | Dhaka | 20:55 |
Drutajan Express | Wednesday | Santahar | 01:55 | Dinajpur | 04:40 |
Drutajan Express | Wednesday | Santahar | 12:15 | Dhaka | 18:10 |
Nilsagor Express | Monday | Santahar | 14:05 | Chilahati | 17:45 |
Nilshagar | Sunday | Santahar | 01:05 | Dhaka | 07:10 |
Dulonchapa Express | No | Santahar | 13:30 | Dinajpur | 20:20 |
Rangpur Express | Sunday | Santahar | 15:05 | Rangpur | 19:00 |
Rangpur Express | Sunday | Santahar | 23:50 | Dhaka | 06.05 |
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