To provide the students with an opportunity to develop knowledge, skill and attitude in the area of satellite communication engineering with special emphasis on:
• Satellite Communication
• Satellite link Design
• Satellite analog Communication
• Multiple access Techniques in Satellite
• Satellite Orbits and Inclination
• Features of Satellite Subsystems.
• Features of Satellite Earth Station
• Special Purpose Communication Satellites.
• Features of LASER Satellite Communication
• Satellite and Cable Transmission Systems
• Global and Cable Transmission Systems
• Performance Measurement of Satellite Link
Satellite Communication; Communication Satellite Link Design; Satellite Analog Communication; Multiple access Techniques in Satellite; Satellite Orbits and Inclination; Communication Satellite Subsystems; Satellite Earth Station; Special Purpose Communication Satellites; LASER Satellite Communication; Satellite and cable Transmission Systems; Global indication of Satellite and Performance Measurement of Satellite link.
1 Understand the basic concept of satellite communication.
1.1 Describe the evolution and growth of communication satellites.
1.2 Describe the principle of synchronous active and passive satellite systems.
1.3 Describe the international regulation, frequency co-ordination, frequency allocation and band spectrum of satellite.
1.4 Mention the general and technical characteristics of satellite communication systems.
1.5 Mention the advantages and disadvantages of satellite communication.
1.6 Mention the advantages of digital satellite communication.
2 Understand the concept of communication satellite link design.
2.1 Explain the general link design equations of satellite considering atmospheric and ionosphere effects.
2.2 Define the terms system noise temperature, C/N (carrier to noise) and G/T (gain to temperature) ratio.
2.3 Explain the complete link design equations considering interference effects.
2.4 Describe the earth station parameters.
2.5 Explain the satellite digital link design equations.
3 Understand the concept of satellite analog communication.
3.1 Define base band analog (voice) signal.
3.2 Describe the frequency division multiplexing technique in a communication satellite.
3.3 Describe the single channel per carrier (SCPC) and companded single sideband (CSSB) systems.
3.4 Describe analogue FM/FDM TV satellite link with energy dispersal in FM/FDM signal.
4 Understand the concept of multiple access techniques in satellite.
4.1 Describe the multiple beam (satellite switched) TDMA satellite systems.
4.2 Define the term beam hopping TDMA.
4.3 Describe the DA-FDMA system in an earth station with block diagram.
4.4 Describe the block diagram at a typical DS-SS receiver.
4.5 Describe the packet satellite networks.
5 Understand the concept of satellite orbits and inclination.
5.1 Describe the synchronous orbit of geostationary satellite.
5.2 Describe the orbital parameters of satellite.
5.3 Describe the satellite location with respect to the earth.
5.4 Define the term look angles of satellite.
5.5 Describe the satellite placement in geostationary orbit.
5.6 Describe the stabilization techniques of satellite.
6 Understand the features of communication satellite subsystems.
6.1 List the subsystems of communication satellite.
6.2 Describe the electric power supply and thermal control system.
6.3 Describe the attitude and orbit control of satellite.
6.4 Describe the satellite reporter with various frequency translation systems.
6.5 Describe the antenna systems of satellite.
6.6 Describe the telemetry tracking & command (TTC) system of satellite.
7 Understand the features of satellite earth station.
7.1 Describe the construction of different sub-systems of an earth station.
7.2 Define the term frequency co-ordination.
7.3 Describe small earth station with diagram.
7.4 Describe the principle of very small aperture terminals (VSAT) as data broadcast satellites.
7.5 Describe the concepts of mobile and transportable earth stations.
7.6 Explain the concept of earth station in near future.
8 Understand the concept of special purpose communication satellites.
8.1 Describe the features of direct broadcast satellite (DBS) system.
8.2 Describe the areas of working of international maritime satellite (INMARSAT) and international telecommunication satellite (INTELSAT).
8.3 Describe the possible network structure of mobile satellite (MSAT) communication system.
8.4 Describe the concepts of satellite communication with respect to fiber optic communication.
8.5 Mention the functions of different types of sensor on board satellite.
8.6 Define the terms teleports and geostationary space platforms.
9 Understand the features of laser satellite communication.
9.1 Describe the basic structure of laser satellite communication.
9.2 Explain the principle of operation of optical satellite link transmitter.
9.3 Describe the principle of operation of optical satellite link receiver.
9.4 Describe the block diagram of optical satellite cross link.
9.5 Describe the basic configuration of a typical deep space optical communication.
10 Understand the concept of satellite and cable transmission systems.
10.1 Mention the cable channel operation.
10.2 Mention the modern concept of cable transmission network.
10.3 Describe the network architecture in cable TV system.
10.4 Describe the application of satellite in different areas.
10.5 Describe the features of global positioning system.
10.6 Describe the Functions of GPS System
11 Understand the basic concept of global information system (GIS) and Global Positioning System (GPS).
11.1 Describe the basic principle of GIS and GPS with block diagram.
11.2 Describe the interfacing techniques among skySAT, VSAT & PC (personal computer).
11.3 Diagnose the common faults and remedies of GIS and very small aperture terminal (VSAT) system.
12 Understand the concept of performance measurement of satellite link.
12.1 Mention the item of performance measurement of satellite link.
12.2 Describe the technique of measurement of performance characteristics of earth station.
12.3 Describe the method of line up test of satellite circuit.
12.4 Describe the basic concept of eclipse and sun interference on the satellite link.
1. Study the operation of synchronous active satellite system.
2. Study the operation of synchronous passive satellite system.
3. Study the operation of typical DS-SS receiver.
4. Study the operation of electric power supply system of satellite
5. Study the communication operation of the thermal control system of satellite.
6. Study the construction and operation of satellite repeater.
7. Study the construction and operation of antenna system of satellite.
8. Study the operation of telemetry tracking and command (TTC) and system of satellite.
9. Study the construction and operation of small earth station.
10. Study the operation of VSAT.
11. Study the operation of mobile satellite communication.
12. Study the operation of optical satellite link.
13. Study the interfacing techniques among sky SAT, VSAT & PC.
14. Measure the different parameter for performance measurement of satellite link.
15. Visit a small earth satellite station and prepare a report.
1. Satellite Communication Engineering – K MIYA
2. Principle of Communication Engineering – ANOK SINGH
3. Satellite Communication – Prett (2nd Edn)
4. Digital Satellite Communication – Tri T. Ha
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