To provides the students with an opportunity to develop knowledge, skill and attitude in the area of Telecom measuring and testing equipment with the special emphasis on:
Qualities of Measurements
Analog and digital meters
Digital display system
Digital instruments
Special types of measuring Instruments
Signal Generator
Wave Analyzer and Recorders
Special types of Testing Equipments
Measurement of Sound and data Acquisition system
Detail Description
1 Understand qualities of measurements.
Define the term measuring instruments.
Explain the static Characteristics with classifications.
Discuss the static errors.
State the Dynamic Characteristics.
Describe the different types of error in measurements with problem solutions
Explain the source of errors.
Define the factors validity, reliability, repeatability, accuracy, precision and resolution etc.
2 Understand the basic features of Analog and digital meters
Mention the different types of analog measuring instruments.
Describe the working principles of permanent magnet moving coil (PMMC) instruments.
Describe the working principles of permanent magnet moving Iron instruments.
Describe the operation of multi meter (AVO meter).
Describe the operation of digital multi meter.
Describe the operation of Clip on meter.
State the operation of electronic counter.
State the operation of digital frequency meter (Microwave range).
Explain the extension of range for Ammeter and Voltmeters.
Solve the problems on range extension for Ammeter and Voltmeters.
3 Understand the basic features of Voltmeter
Describe the basic principle of D.C Voltmeter.
Describe the operation of multi range Voltmeter.
Describe the operation of Transistor Voltmeter (TVM).
Describe the operation of differential Voltmeter.
Describe the operation of AC milli voltmeter with block diagram.
4 Understand the features of digital display system.
Mention the different types of digital display system.
Describe the construction of Liquid Crystal Display.
Describe the construction of Light Emitting Diode.
Explain the function of multi digit display system.
Describe the construction of Segmental displays using LEDs.
Explain the function of Dot matrix and LASER displays.
Describe the construction of Liquid vapour display (LVD).
5 Understand the features of Oscilloscope
State the basic principles Cathode Ray Tube (CRT).
Explain the function of Block diagram of Oscilloscope.
Explain the function of Dual Beam CRO and Dual trace Oscilloscope.
Describe the block diagram and function of the Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO).
Explain the measurement procedure of voltage by the Oscilloscope.
Explain the measurement procedure of Frequency and phase angle by Lissajous Method.
Describe function of the different types of probes.
6 Understand the features of special types of measuring Instruments
Describe the construction and operations of the Megger.
Explain the pH measurements using Hydrogen Electrodes.
Describe the construction and operations of the RX meter.
Describe the construction and operations of the Q meter.
Explain the measurement of characteristic impedance (Zo) of a transmission line using Q meter.
Describe the construction of LCR Bridge (Skeleton type).
Describe the basic principles of VSWR meter.
State the operation of Transistor tester and IC tester.
7 Understand the features of Signal Generator
Describe the construction and operations of the Conventional standard Signal Generator.
State the operation of AF sine and Square wave Signal Generator.
Describe the construction and operations of the Function Generator.
State the Block diagram and the function of a pulse Generator.
State the Block diagram of the Wobbluscope.
8 Understand the features of Wave Analyzer and Recorders
Describe the operations of the basic wave analyzer.
Describe the construction and operations of the Frequency Selective wave analyzer.
Describe the construction and operations of the RF heterodyne wave analyzer.
Describe the construction and operations of the RF Spectrum wave analyzer.
Describe the construction and operations of the basic strip chart Recorder.
Describe the construction and operations of the Potentiometric Recorder.
State the Block diagram and the function of X- Y Recorder.
State the basic components of a tape recorder and Magnetic Recording.
9 Understand the features of special testing equipments
Describe the construction and operations of the Bit Error Rate (BER) meter.
Describe the construction and operations of the Mobile /Cellular Test set.
List the common faults occurring in mobile set and its Remedy.
Describe the operations of Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) Analyzer.
Describe the operations of Optical Signal Generator (Optical Source) meter.
Describe the operations of Optical Signal measurement (Optical Power) meter.
10 Understand the Measurement of sound and Data acquisition systems
Describe the measuring process of sound using Microphones.
Describe the Measurements of thickness using ultrasonic Vibrations.
Explain the process of generalized data acquisition systems.
List the components of data acquisition systems.
Describe the digital data recording system using Analog/Digital Recorder.
1 Perform the measurement of voltage, Time period and frequency using a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO).
2 Perform the measurement of the Frequency using Digital Frequency Counter.
3 Perform the Operation of a Function Generator.
4 Perform the measurement of the Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance using RLC Bridge.
5 Perform the measurement of the Q of a coil with Q- meter.
6 Study the operation of a Digital Display Unit.
7 Perform the measurement of the separate Resistive and Reactive components by RX meter.
8 Study the operation of Insulation Tester.
9 Study the operation of the Mobile /Cellular Test set.
10 Study the operation of the Wave Analyzer.