- To be able to develop the knowledge & skill in peripherals & their interface.
- To be able to acquire the knowledge and to develop the skill on working principle & operation of peripheral devices.
Peripheral interface and peripherals; Input-Output devices; Display devices; Special I/O devices; Disk, disk drives and controllers.
Understand the basics of interfacing.
- Define peripheral and interfacing with example
- State the functions and necessity of interfacing .
- State the Categories of interface(Memory interface, I/O port/latch interface, peripheral interface ,Inter system communication interface, System overhead interface, Control interface)
- State the function of each category of interface with example.
- Mention the methods of peripheral interfacing.
- State the steps of analog and digital interfacing in a computer system.
- State the elements of interface.
- Describe the function of a general purpose parallel interface with block diagram.
- Understand the operation of serial interfaces.
2.1 State the necessity of serial interfacing.
2.2 Mention the asynchronous character and synchronous block data format for a serial interface.
2.3 Describe the operation of asynchronous serial interface with block diagram (UART).
2.4 Describe the operation of synchronous serial interface with block diagram.
2.5 Distinguish the Characteristics of asynchronous and synchronous serial interface.
2.6 Describe the operation of an USART with block diagram.
.7 Describe the operation of RS 232.C/v.24 standard serial interface with block diagram.
3 Understand the operation of keyboard and mouse.
3.1 Describe the construction and operation of mechanical, membrane, capacitive and Hall effect key switches.
3.2 Mention the desirable quality of key switches.
3.3 Describe the operation of keyboard encoder with block diagram.
3.4 State the terms: bouncing, n-key rollover and n-key lockout.
3.5 Explain the flowchart for scanning the keyboard.
3.6 Describe the principle of hardware de-bouncing.
3.7 Describe the operation of an opto-mechanical mouse.
3.8 Describe the working principle of an optical mouse.
3.9 Describe the operation of wireless keyboard
3.10 Describe the operation of wireless mouse
4 Understand the basic operation of displays and adapters.
4.1 Classify the display devices.
4.2 Describe the operation of a CRT.
4.3 State the meaninig of the terms-pixel,scanning,Horizontal and Vertical scanning,interlace and non
interlace scanning,composite video signal raster and VRAM.
4.4 Describe the principle of producing a character on a CRT display.
4.5 Describe the function of each block of the circuitry to produce one page dot-matrix character on CRT.
4.6 Describe the principle of producing color pixel on CRT screen.
4.7 Describe the operation of a color monitor using block diagram.
4.8 Describe the principle of LCD .
4.9 Describe the general structure of a modern graphics adapter.
.10 Prepare the specification of a CRT/LCD monitor.
5 Understand the constructional and operational feature of dot matrix printers and plotter
5.1 Classify printers.
5.2 State the feature of a dot-matrix printer.
5.3 Describe the operation of a dot matrix printer.
5.4 List the Major parts and components of a dot matrix printer.
5.5 State the function of each parts and components used in printing mechanism.
5.6 Describe the operation of the head driving circuit in a dot matrix printer.
5.7 Mention the advantages and disadvantages of dot matrix printers.
5.8 Prepare the specification of a dot matrix printer.
5.9 State the features of plotter.
5.10 Describe the operation of plotter.
6 Understand the operation of inkjet printers.
6.1 State the principle of inkjet and bubble jet formation for printing.
6.2 Describe the operation of an inkjet printer.
6.3 List the Major parts and components of an inkjet printer..
6.4 Mention the advantages and disadvantages of an inkjet printer..
6.5 Prepare the specification of an inkjet printer.
7 Understand the operation of LASER printers.
7.1 State the meaning of LASER.
7.2 Describe the operation of a LASER printer.
7.3 List the Major parts and components of a LASER printer.
7.4 State the function of each part and components of a LASER printer
7.5 Mention the advantages and disadvantages of an inkjet printer.
7.6 Prepare the specification of a LASER printer.
7.7 Mention the steps of data exchange via parallel interface.
8 Understand the characteristics of special type I/O devices.
8.1 List the special types of I/O devices.
8.2 State the characteristics of joy-stick and digitizer.
8.3 Describe the working principle of light pen.
8.4 Classify and define different type of scanner.
8.5 Describe the operation of a flat bed scanner.
8.6 State the use of hand held scanner.
8.7 Define OMR, OCR, ICR and MICR.
8.8 Describe the characteristics of OMR, OCR, ICR and MICR.
8.9 Describe the advantages and limitations of MICR.
9 Understand the operation of Hard disk, CD ROM drives and DVD drives .
9.1 State the methods of data recording (punch card/paper tape, magnetic tape, magnetic disk and optical )
for μC systems with example.
9.2 State the features of a flash memory as a secondary storage device.
9.3 Mention the data storage layout of a disk.
9.4 Describe the operation of a hard disk controller with block diagram.
9.5 Describe the operation hard disk drive.
9.6 Describe the recording principle in a CD and DVD.
9.7 Describe the operation of a optical disk drive (CD drive) and DVD drives.
9.8 State the features of a re-writable optical disk.
9.9 Describe the operation of USB devices
- Identify the external and internal over view with major features and components of a keyboard.
- Identify the controls (external & internal) and major components of a color CRT.
- Identify the mechanical assembly and the electronic part of a LCD monitor
- Identify the mechanical assembly and the electronic part of a dot-matrix printer.
- Identify the mechanical assembly and the electronic part of a LASER printer.
- Identify the parts and components of an Inkjet printer.
- Identify the major parts of a display adapter.
- Identify the external and internal parts and components of a mouse
- Identify the external and internal parts and components of a scanner.
- Identify the external and internal parts and components of a plotter.
- Identify the parts and components of a Hard Disk Drive.
- Identify the parts and components of a DVD drive.
- Install driver software of various peripheral devices
- Computer Peripherals − Barry wilkinson and David Horocks.
2. Microprocessors and Interfacing − Douglas V Hall