• To be able to acquire the knowledge on communication Basics.
• To be able to provide the knowledge and to develop skill on signal and data
transmission systems and transmission media.
• To be able to acquire the knowledge on Digital communication and computer networks
• To be able to provide the knowledge and to develop skill on network topologies and protocols
. To be able to provide the knowledge and to develop skill on MODEM,Hub,Switch,NIC and
• To be able to establish / implement a LAN to provide Network services.
communication Basics, Analog and digital Modulation and demodulation , Analog and digital communication, Transmission media and connectors. Network fundamentals; Topologies and protocols, NIC, Network Addressing .and LAN.
1 Understand communication basics.
1.1 Define Electronic Communication.
1.2 Mention the basic elements of a communication system.
1.3 Describe communication system with a simple block diagram.
1.4 State the terms :Frequency,Wavelenth,Spectrum,Bandwidth,
Throughput,propagation speed, propagation time,Noise figure & SNR
1.5 Mention the difference between bandwidth and data rate.
1.6 Describe simplex,half-duplex and full duplex modes of communication.
1.7 Describe synchronous and asynchronous communication techniques.
2 Understand Analog communication system
2.1 Define Modulation and Demodulation.
2.2 State the necessity of modulation.
2.3 Mention the types of modulation.
2.4 Describe amplitude, Frequency and Phase modulation with necessary waveform.
2.5 State the meaning of modulation index and percentage of modulation.
2.6 State the comparison of amplitude,Frequency and Phase modulation.
2.7 State the difference between analog and digital modulation
2.8 Describe ASK,FSK,PSK and QPSKwith necessary waveform and bandwith.
2.9 State the advantage and disadvantages of ASK,FSK and PSK (BPSK)
3 Understand Digital communication system
3.1 Define digital modulation.
3.2 Describe Digital communication system with block diagram.
3.3 Define linecoding.
3.4 Mention the catagories of Line coding
3.5 State Unipolar Linecoding with timing diagram and its drawbacks.
3.6 Describe different types of polar encoding with necessary timing diagram.
4 Understand transmission media and connectors.
4.1 Mention the catagories of. transmission media
4.2 Describe the construction of Twisted-pair (STP,UTP) Co-axial and fiberoptic cable.
4.3 State the characteristics of Twisted-pair (STP,UTP),Co-axial and fiber optic
cable including their connectors.
4.5 State difference between baseband and broadband cables.
4.6 State the advantage and disadvantages of each types of cables.
4.7 Describe the method of Radio,microwave and infrared communication system.
4.8 State the characteristics of Radio,microwave and infra red communication system.
5 Understand multiplexing techniques
5.1 Define multiplexing and Demultiplexing process of communication system.
5.2 State the necessity of multiplexing.
5.3 Mention the categories of multiplexing.
5.4 Define Frequency division multiplexing.
5.5 Describe Frequency division multiplexing and demultiplexing technique with block diagram
5.6 Describe the Wave division multiplexing and Demultiplexing technique with block diagram
5.7. Define Time division Multiplexing.
5.8. Describe the process of synchronous Time division Multiplexing.
5.9. Describe the principle of Code division multiplexing system.
6 Understand computer network basics.
6.1 Define Computer Network
6.2. State the concept of computer Network.
6.3 Mention elements of computer network.
6.4 Describe the advantages of Computer network.
6.5 Describe the application of computer network.
6.6 Describe client / server and peer-to-peer network.
6.7 Describe the general features of LAN, MANs and WANs.
7 Understand the network topologies.
7.1 Define topology.
7.2 Mention the difference between physical and logical topology.
7.3 Describe the physical connection of bus, ring, star and hybrid topologies.
7.4 Mention the advantages and disadvantages of bus, ring, star and hybrid topologies.
7.5 Describe the factors to select a particular topology.
7.6Describe the logical topologies of a token ring network.
8 Understand network protocols.
8.1 Define network protocol.
8.2 Describe the main elements of protocol.
8.3 Describe the characteristics of protocol.
8.4 Describe the functions of protocol.
8.5 List different types of network protocols.
8.6 State the function of TCP/IP protocol.
8 Understand IP addressing.
9.1 Define Network Addrressing.
9.2 State the format of physical address of a NIC.
9.3 Define IP.
9.4 Describe the IP address Formats of Class A,B,C,D,E with example.
9.5.Describe subnet and subnet masks.
9.6 Define IPv6.
10 Understand Network Interface Cards (NIC)
10.1 State the role of NIC.
10.2 Describe the network address.
10.3 Mention the points that agree both the sending and receiving NICs.
10.4 State the importance of base memory address for NIC.
10.5 Mention the important points to maintain the compatibility among NIC, bus and cables.
10.6 Describe the NIC related factors that enhanced the performance of network.
11 Understand the connectivity devices.
11.1 List the connectivity devices used in networking.
11.2 Describe function of MODEM..
11.3 Describe MODEM types and Standard.
11.4 Describe the features of ADSL and Digital MODEM.
11.5Describe the functions of Hubs, Repeaters and switches in network.
11.6 Mention the types of Hubs.
11.7 Describe the important features of passive, active and intelligent Hubs.
11.8 Describe the important features of Repeaters and switches.
1. Identify different types of guided communication media (UTP,STP,Co-axial and
fiber-optic cable) and observe their constructional features.
2. Identify different types of connectors and accessories used with UTP,STP,Coaxial
and fiber-optic cable and observe their constructional features.
3. Identify the Nework Cards,Tools,Tester and Accessories(modems, Hub/
Switch,Reapeater ,switch etc.)
4. Connect RJ45 Cnnector with UTP Cable in the form of straight through
/Cross Over.
5 Establish a Peer to Peer/Workgroup LAN
(a) Install NIC into the PC
(b)Check the MAC address of the NIC
(c) Connect cable connector with PC & Hub/Switch
(d) Configure the TCP/IP in each PC
(e) Test the connectivity of the PCs
6 Perform the task to Work with a Peer/Workgroup LAN environment for simple data communication.
(a) Share the folders / secondary memory.
(b) Share a printer or any other resources.
7. Extend a LAN using Hub/Switch/Repeater.
8. Establish a Client–Server Local Area Network
(a). Install Windows server into a server PC
(b).Configure TCP/IP to server and client PCs
(c).Perform the task to configure the Active Directory
(d) Perform the task to configure The DNS.
(e) Perform the task to configure the DHCP
9. Perform the task to Work with a Client–Server LAN environment for simple data
communication and Administrative functions.
1. Data communications and Networking – Behrouz A. Forouzan.
2. Fundamentals of comunication-M. Shamim Kaiser and associates
3 Data communications and Networking – Behrouz A. Forouzan
4 Data and Computer Communications-William Stallings
5 Local Area Networking – S. K Basandra.
6 MCSE Windows & Networking Essential – Joe Casad
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