Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Time Table (Train Schedule of Dhaka to Dinajpur) is available here. Nowadays, people like Train Journey. It provides extra pleasure to the users. Two Intercity Train available on the Dhaka to Dinajpur Route. One is Ekota Express and another is Drutajan Express. We will also inform you of the Return Train Schedule (Dinajpur to Dhaka train Schedule). If you make a Train journey from Dhaka to Dinajpur, You may like to Return from Dinajpur to Dhaka via Train. So, both pieces of information are important to you.
You become happy to know that, Both Trains are Quality on the Dhaka – Dinajpur Route. So, this Train provides some quality features. The Price isn’t too high. So, I think it will cheap from a Bus journey. Let’s check the Train Timing, Ticket Price, and online Ticket Purchase system.
Tourist Attraction in Dinajpur (History)
Dinajpur is a place of historical attraction. You may find around 19 popular tourist attractions here and there. So every year many of the tourist attraction people come to visit the historical attraction. Some of the beautiful historical attractions listed below.
The most well-known tourist attractions the Dinajpur Ramsagar and Kantajew Temple. The rest of the exciting place is Mata Sagar, Mata Sagar, River Dhepa, Setabganj sugar mill, Dinajpur Palace, Ghughudanga Palace, Jora temple, Dinajpur music college, Barapukuria Coal Mining Company Limited, etc.
Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Schedule:
Train No | Train Name | Off Day | From | To | Departure | Arrival |
705 | Ekota Express | Tuesday | Dhaka | Dinajpur | 10:00:00 | 19:40:00 |
757 | Drutajan Express | Wednesday | Dhaka | Dinajpur | 19:40:00 | 5:30:00 |
Dinajpur to Dhaka Train Schedule:
Train No | Train Name | Off Day | From | To | Departure | Arrival |
706 | Ekota Express | Monday | Dinajpur | Dhaka | 23:00 | 08:10 |
758 | Drutajan Express | Wednesday | Dinajpur | Dhaka | 09:15 | 18:10 |
Dhaka to Dinajpur & Dinajpur to Dhaka Train Ticket Price:
Bangladesh Railway selects the ticket price for the different train sit. Here we share with you the entire sit ticket price on Dhaka to Dinajpur route. Reading continues to know about the Ticket price of Dhaka to the Dinajpur route.
- Shovon: 360 TK BDT
- Shovon Chair: 430 TK BDT
- First Class Seat: 570 TK BDT
- Snigdha: 822 TK BDT
- AC-First Birth: 55 TK BDT
- AC Seat: 983 TK BDT
- AC Birth: 1478 TK BDT
At last Dhaka to Dinajpur or Dinajpur to Dhaka is a really long journey. If the journey is not comfortable then the annoying condition may create. But, when the journey is comfortable then it is memorable also. Hopefully, the journey on this route is going to be an exceptional experience. Train service of this route is really good.