Diploma In Engineering Polytechnic Waiting Result 2020 published! Recently Diploma In Engineering (Polytechnic) Admission result 2020-21 has been published by BTEB. And Polytechnic waiting result will publish soon. Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) not yet publish any fixed date for publishing the waiting result.
They published results officially on their official website btebadmission.gov.bd. After publishing the result officially then it can be check from this website and also from informer57.com.
By following some instructions the result can be check from online. Here we will add full instruction for checking Diploma In Engineering (Polytechnic) Waiting Result 2020-21. Check the Result quickly from Online. The System of Fourth Waiting Result is named First Come First Serve.
- Fourth Waiting Result published on 2020. Check on
First Come First Serve
- Admission Confirmation/Registration Fee (1021 TK) Payment Last Date is 24 Hours.
Polytechnic Waiting Result Checking Full Process
The Result will be published on the https://btebadmission.gov.bd/ website. And find there result checking the link. Now, follow the below instruction to check the Waiting Result 2020 quickly.
- Firstly, Click here
- Now Provide your Board Roll
- Select Board name
- Now, Select Exam Year
- Finally, Click on the Next Button
After that press ‘next’ on this page. And get the result. If you selected for the admission then you can admit for Diploma in Engineering.
That was the proper instruction for checking the Polytechnic waiting result. For more query kindly visit BTEB Admission official website.