- To be able to acquire the knowledge on microprocessor, microcomputer and computer language.
- To be able to develop the knowledge and skill on the architecture and assembly language programming of 8-bit Intel & Motorola m
- To be able to acquire the knowledge and skill on memory and I/O interfacing.
Operation of SAP-2, Architecture and addressing mode of Intel 8085mp; Instruction timing of Intel 8085 mp; Assembly language programming of 8085 mp; Memory and input /output interfacing of Intel 8085 mp; Architecture and programming of MC6800.
Understand the operation of SAP- 2 .
- Define microprogramming.
- Distinguish between Hardwired control and microprogramming for computer operation.
- Describe the function of each block of SAP-2 computer.
- Mention the type of instructions used in SAP-2(Memory reference instructions, Register instructions, JUMP and CALL instructions, Logic instructions and miscellaneous group instructions.)
- Describe each type of SAP-2 instructions including their format and meaning.
- Prepare source and Hand assemble program using each types of SAP-2 instructions for solving simple arithmetic, logic and delay problem.
- Describe the addressing modes of SAP-2 instructions.
- Describe the operation of the circuit diagram of SAP-2 for setting the Flags.
- State the difference between SAP-1 and SAP-2 computer.
Understand the architecture of Intel 8085 microprocessor.
- Define microprocessor and microcomputer.
- Describe the evolution of microprocessor. (i.e. 4, 8,, 16 and 32 and 64 bit mp).
- Mention the important features of Intel 8085 microprocessor.
- Describe the function of each block of Intel 8085 microprocessor.
- Describe the bus organization of 8085 microprocessor.
- Sketch the register architecture of 8085 microprocessor.
- Describe the function of each register of 8085 microprocessor.
- State the meaning of the signals of 8085 microprocessor.
Understand the instruction set and addressing mode of 8085m
- Classify the instructions of 8085 microprocessor.
- Mention the name of 8085 addressing modes.
- Describe the 8085 addressing modes.
- Define instruction set.
- Describe the format and meaning of each instruction used in Intel 8085 microprocessor.
Understand the 8085 instruction timing and execution.
- State the clock period and machine cycle of 8085.
- Describe the basic system timing of 8085.
- Describe the 8085-memory read write operation with timing diagram.
- Describe the interrupt timing of 8085.
- Describe the interrupt acknowledge machine cycle.
- Describe the bus idle machine cycle.
Understand the programming concept of 8085m
- Describe the programming process with flowchart.
- State the meaning of assembler directives.
- Describe the meaning of each field of assembly language program.
- Describe the use of the assembler directives of 8085.
- Write simple program using the 8085 instruction set for solving arithmetic, logic and delay problem.
Understand Intel 8085 input / output operation and interfacing.
- Mention the basic input output techniques.
- Describe the operation of 8085 programmed I/O, interrupt driven I/O, Direct Memory Access Controller (DMAC) and DMA.
- Describe the I/O structure of a typical microcomputer.
- Describe the function of coprocessors.
- Describe the use of 8085 SID and SOD lines.
Understand memory and peripheral interfacing.
- Describe the memory mapping techniques.
- Sketch the diagram of memory chips with microprocessor to form a simple microcomputer system.
- Describe the chip select scheme by decoding address lines.
- Define support chips.
- List the commonly used support chips (both dump & smart).
- Understand programmable peripheral devices.
8.1 Define programmable peripheral.
8.2 State the functions of PPI and PIC.
8.3 Describe the operation of PPI & PIC using block diagram .
8.4 Describe the control word format of PPI.
8.5 Configure the control word of the control register for simple I/O operations.
8.6 Write simple program for data transferring to and from microprocessor using PPI.
Understand the general aspects of Intel family of mP.
- Describe the evolution based on performance and device complexity of the Intel mP architecture.
- Mention the difference between a multi-chip and single chip microcomputer.
- State the embedded microcontrollers and reprogrammable microprocessor.
- Explain the basic architecture of the Intel family of m
- Mention the comparison of address & data bus and the clock speeds for the Intel family members.
- Describe the memory map of the Intel family members and personal computer system.
- Explain the internal register array (programming model) of all versions of the Intel family members.
Understand the architecture of MC 6800 microprocessor.
- Mention the important features of MC 6800.
- Describe the internal architecture of MC 6800.
- Describe the pins and signals of MC 6800.
- Describe the instruction set of MC 6800.
- Explain the read and write timing diagram of MC 6800.
- Mention the addressing mode of MC 6800.
- Compare Intel 8085 with MC 6800.
- Write simple program using the instruction set of MC 6800.
- Perform the task to develop and execute an assembly language program for solving arithmetic problems(Addition/Subtraction) using SAP/i8085 / MC 6800 mp trainer.
- Perform the task to develop and execute an assembly language program to compute 1’s or 2’s complement of binary number using SAP/i8085 / MC 6800 mp trainer.
- Perform the task to develop and execute an assembly language program for solving arithmetic problems(Multiplication / Division) using SAP/i8085 / MC 6800 mp trainer
- Perform the task to develop and execute an assembly language program for solving logic operation using SAP/i8085 / MC 6800 mp trainer.
- Perform the task to develop and execute an assembly language program/ Subroutine to produce time delays of different durations using SAP/i8085 / MC 6800 mp trainer.
- Perform the task to develop and execute an assembly language program that inputs a byte of data from a port using handshaking and store the byte into a register in a SAP/i8085 / MC 6800 mp trainer.
- Perform the task to develop and execute an assembly language program that inputs an 8 bit character in a serial data stream and store it in a specified memory location using a SAP/i8085 / MC 6800 mp trainer
- Perform the task to develop and execute assembly language programs that transfer data between I/O and memory with an available I/O techniques.
using a SAP/i8085 / MC6800 mp trainer.
- Perform the task to develop and execute assembly language programs that implement the branching and looping structures using a SAP/i8085 / MC 6800 mp trainer.
- Digital Computer Electronics
-Malvino- Brown
- Microprocessor and Microcomputer Based System Design
- Mohamed Rafiquzzaman.
- Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with 8085
Ramesh S. Gaonkar