Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule, Ticket Price and All Train Information is available for the Railway Route of Dhaka to Chittagong. Many People don’t know the Ticket Fare of Dhaka-Chittagong Train Service. Are you looking for Train ticket of this Route or want to know the Ticket Price? Don’t worry. We are here to help you. In this post, you will get Dhaka to Chittagong Railway ticket booking system, Online Ticket Purchase system, Ticket Fare (Price), train Schedule (Time Table), Off Day and Stop Station Info.
There is nine or more train available on the Dhaka to Chittagong Route. So, it is the popular Railway Route for the passenger. According to this reason, the Railway Authority added too many Train Services.
Train List of Dhaka to Chittagong Route:
- Mohanagar Express
- Subarna Express
- Mahanagar Godhuli
- Mohanagar Provati
- Chittagong mail
- Karnaphuli Express
- Chattala Express
- Turna Express
- Sonar Bangla Express
Dhaka to Chittagong Train Ticket Price:
Dhaka to Chittagong train distance is about 245 Kilometers or 152 Miles. So, the Price for this Distance is no higher. While we have compared the Price of this Route with Bus Service, A large difference found. The Bus Price is Higher that Train Price.
Train Name | Shovan Chair | Snighdha | AC Seat/ AC Bath |
MAHANAGAR GODHULI | 320 BDT | 610 BDT | 731 BDT (AC Seat) |
MAHANAGAR PROVATI | First Class: 150 BDT Second Class : 125 BDT | First Class: 455 BDT Second Class: 345 BDT | 756 BDT |
SONAR BANGLA EXPRESS | 600 BDT | 1000 BDT | 1100 BDT |
SUBARNA EXPRESS | 355 BDT | 673 BDT | – |
TURNA NISHITA | 320 BDT | – | 731 BDT (AC Seat) 1093 BDT (AC Bath) |
Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule, Off Day & Time Table:
Here, Dhaka – Chittagong Train Schedule available for All Available Train on this Route. We have already informed you the Train list if the Dhaka to Chittagong Route. So, now check the Train Schedule.
Train Name & Number | Off Day | Departure Time (Dhaka) | Arrival Time (Chittagong) |
Subarna Express (702) | Monday | 15.00 | 20:10 |
Mohanagar Provati (704) | None | 7:45 | 13:50 |
Mohanagar Express (722) | Sunday | 21:00 | 04:30 |
Turna Express (742) | None | 23:00 | 06:20 |
Sonar Bangla Express (788) | Wednesday | 7:00 | 12:20 |
Chittagong mail (2) | None | 22:30 | 07:25 |
Karnaphuli Express (4) | None | 8:30 | 18:00 |
In the Final words, we want to tell you that, you will make a complete post for all train with that’s Stop Station, Facilities and with all other Necessary Information. Kindly stay with us and see your Necessary Information quickly by using our Search Button.