Rajshahi to Dhaka Train Schedule 2021, Ticket Price is available here in this post. Are you searching Rajshahi to Dhaka train schedule 2021? Then this is a Right Place here we provide you with the full information about Rajshahi to Dhaka Train Schedule 2021, Off Day, Ticket Price & more. Many others of Train has Rajshahi To Dhaka on this route. So, you can go to Dhaka, one of the three trains, from Rajshahi. All the Train maintain Bangladesh Railway time schedule.
In this post, you will get Rajshahi to Dhaka Railway ticket booking system, Ticket Fare (Price), train Schedule (Time Table), Online Ticket Purchase system, Off Day and Stop Station Info. We provide all information about Rajshahi To Dhaka Train Route. Just Continue Reading
Rajshahi to Dhaka Train Ticket Price
The Total Distance from Rajshahi to Dhaka is about 343 Kilometers. According to the distance and facilities of the Destination, Bangladesh Railway determines the ticket price. All train fares in Bangladesh are usually dependent on Train facilities. According to the Bangladesh Railway system, the Following Ticket price is applicable in Dhaka to Rajshahi Route.
- Shovon Chair Ticket Price – 340 Tk
- Snigdha Ticket Price – 570 TK
- AC Seat Ticket Price – 680 TK
- AC Birth Ticket Price – 1020 TK
Rajshahi Intercity Train Schedule 2021
Train No | Name | Off Day | From | Departure | To | Arrival |
716 | Kapotaksha Express | Saturday | Rajshahi | 14:15 | Khulna | 20:00 |
731 | Barandra Express | Sunday | Rajshahi | 15:00 | Nilphari | 21:50 |
733 | Titumir Express | Wednesday | Rajshahi | 06:20 | Chilahati | 13:00 |
754 | Silk city Express | Sunday | Rajshahi | 07:40 | Dhaka | 13:30 |
756 | Madhumati Express | Thursday | Rajshahi | 07:00 | Goaland Ghat | 12:20 |
760 | Padma Express | Tuesday | Rajshahi | 16:00 | Dhaka | 21:40 |
762 | Sagordari Express | Monday | Rajshahi | 06:40 | Khulna | 12:45 |
770 | Dhumkatu Express | Friday | Rajshahi | 23:20 | Dhaka | 04:20 |
Rajshahi Intercity Train
Train No | Name | Off Day | From | Departure | To | Arrival |
716 | Kapotaksha Express | Saturday | Rajshahi | 14:15 | Khulna | 20:00 |
731 | Barandra Express | Sunday | Rajshahi | 15:00 | Nilphari | 21:50 |
733 | Titumir Express | Wednesday | Rajshahi | 06:20 | Chilahati | 13:00 |
754 | Silk city Express | Sunday | Rajshahi | 07:40 | Dhaka | 13:30 |
756 | Madhumati Express | Thursday | Rajshahi | 07:00 | Goaland Ghat | 12:20 |
760 | Padma Express | Tuesday | Rajshahi | 16:00 | Dhaka | 21:40 |
762 | Sagordari Express | Monday | Rajshahi | 06:40 | Khulna | 12:45 |
770 | Dhumkatu Express | Friday | Rajshahi | 23:20 | Dhaka | 04:20 |
Charge to carry goods in Train
There is a pool arrangement for carrying goods from the station to the compartment or from the compartment. They charge according to the number of goods. Here are the lists of current charges, although they can be taken care of by the actual cases.
- The amount of luggage Charge (money)
- No more than 28 kgs (1 bag) BDT 30
- No more than 28 kgs (2 bags) BDT 40
- No more than 37 kg (1 bag) BDT 40
- No mor/-e than 37 kg (2 bags) BDT 50
- No more than 56 kg (1 bag) BDT 60
- No more than 56 kgs (2 bags) BDT 80
Finally, we hope that you have successfully understood about Rajshahi to Dhaka Train Schedule, Ticket Price full Concepts. Do you have any question about Rajshahi to Dhaka Train, Just Comment here? we solve your problem as soon as possible. Thanks for visiting our website.
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