• To be able to know the communication basics.
• To be able to acquire knowledge and skill of communication signals and spectra.
• To be able to know basic knowledge on modulation and demodulation.
• To be able to acquire knowledge, skill on multiplexing, de multiplexing and AM modulator.
• To be able to understand the skill and attitude of radio transmitter, radio receiver and communication receiver.
• To be able to know the communication network.
• To be able to know basic knowledge on internet.
Communication basics, Communication signal and spectra, Amplitude Modulator, Demodulator, Frequency Modulation & Demodulation, Multiplexing & De multiplexing, Radio Transmitter, Radio Receiver, Communication Receiver, Communication Network and Internet.
Theory :
1. Understand the communication basics.
1.1 Define communication.
1.2 List the kinds of communication: Verbal, Non-verbal & Machine communication.
1.3 Purpose of communication: Information, persuasion, entertainment, education, control.
1.4 Concept of communication system: Information, transmission, channel, reception.
1.5 Describe the basic communication system with block diagram.
2. Understand the features of communication signals.
2.1 Define analog signal & digital signal.
2.2 Comparison between analog & digital signal.
2.3 Mention the advantage of digital communication system.
2.4 Explain the nature of audio, video, and data signal.
3. Understand the features of communication signals and spectra.
3.1 Mention the allocation of frequency bands for various communication systems.
3.2 Mention the frequency ranges of audio video and data signal.
3.3 Explain the channel bandwidth & channel capacity.
3.4 Describe the factors affecting channel capacity & bandwidth.
4 . Understand the features of modulation.
4.1 Define modulation.
4.2 Mention the importance of modulation.
4.3 Explain the wave form of amplitude modulation, frequency modulation.
4.4 Mention the concept of SSB, SSB-Sc, DSB, DSB-Sc, VSB modulation.
4.5 Mention the meaning of the terms modulation index, maximum frequency deviation and deviation ratio of FM wave.
4.6 Describe the comparison of AM with FM based on BW requirement, noise & fidelity.
5 . Understand the Demodulation.
5.1 Define demodulation.
5.2 Describe the methods of detection of AM & FM wave.
5.3 Explain the operation of a liner diode detector.
5.4 Explain the working principle of different FM detector.
5.5 Describe the ratio detector.
6. Understand the Multiplexing/De multiplexing Techniques.
6.1 Define multiplexing and de multiplexing.
6.2 Mention the importance of multiplexing & de multiplexing.
6.3 Describe the frequency division multiplexing (FDM).
6.4 Describe the time division multiplexing (TDM).
6.5 Mention the comparison of FDM & TDM.
7. Understand the features of radio transmitter.
7.1 Define transmitter & radio transmitter.
7.2 Mention the classification of radio transmitters in terms of power, frequency, modulation and service involved.
7.3 Explain the block diagram of AM transmitter.
7.4 Differentiate between low level and high level modulation.
7.5 Explain the operation of SSB transmitter with block diagram.
7.6 Explain the block diagram of reactance tube FM transmitter.
8. Understand the features of radio receiver.
8.1 Define receiver and classification.
8.2 Describe the operation of tuned radio receiver (TRF).
8.3 Explain the principle of super heterodyne receiver.
8.4 Describe the block diagram of typical communication receiver.
8.5 Describe the block diagram of super heterodyne receiver with AFC (Automatic Frequency Control) system.
8.6 Describe the diode balanced modulator with block diagram.
8.7 Describe the FM receiver with block diagram..
9. Understand the features of network.
9.1 Define network
9.2 State the variety of telecommunication network.
9.3 Mention the various types of public broadcast services.
9.4 Define analog telephone, digital telephone, cellular telephone, telegraph and microwave network.
9.5 Mention the nature of satellite communication
10. Understand the basic internet communication.
10.1 Define internet.
10.2 Mention the necessity of internet in modern life.
10.3 Define ISP.
10.4 Mention the list of reputed ISP’s in Bangladesh.
10.5 Define e-mail, chat, VOIP, video conference, web based Fax, web based SMS.
10.6 Define Wi-Fi & Wi-max.
10.7 Define IP telephony system, GPS (Global Positioning System).
10.8 Mention the Application of GPS.
1 Study the amplitude modulation.
2 Study the frequency modulation.
3 Study the Fax machine and its control.
4 Study the multiplexing process.
5 Practice on web browsing.
6 Practice on e-mail management.
7 Practice on web based Fax and SMS
8 Practice on video conferencing.
9 Study the AM Transmitter.
10 Study the AM Receiver.
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