To be able to-
• Understand the general effects of the built environment in designing different types of building.
• Understand the general consideration of a shopping complex planning.
• Prepare a design of shopping complex.
• Understand the planning of a Hospital.
• Prepare a design of a Hospital.
General concepts of hospitals, types of Hospitals, patient room facilities, medical equipment, lighting facilities, admitting department, special problem, construction, form, relation between department, fire safety, means of escape. Conception of Shopping center, retail shops, types of shopping, Design and Planning criteria, service details, self service shops.
1 Understand the general conception of Hospitals.
1.1 State the Hospital and Health service.
1.2 Define the teaching Hospitals
1.3 Define the community Hospitals.
1.4 List the points for discussion about Hospitals.
1.5 Analyze the need of exist Health codes and basic building code requirement.
1.6 Describe the effect of project location and feasibility by limitation of existing building.
2 Understand the patient Rooms.
2.1 State the general conception of patient room.
2.2 Determine the size of the patient room.
2.3 Describe the closets, Furniture & its size for a patient room.
2.4 Explain the Doors & windows of the patient room.
2.5 Describe built in Equipment, medical equipment and space allocation for a patient room.
2.6 Describe the Lighting facilities, electrical requirements & Medical cases for patient room
3 Understand the Admitting Department of Hospital.
3.1 State the sequence of the functional flow-chart of Admitting Department.
3.2 Describe the Legend for central admitting department with adjacent medical record department for a 100-Bed Hospital.
3.3 State the Hospital policies.
3.4 State the relationship between departments.
3.5 Describe the special problems of Design and Construction of a Hospital.
3.6 Discuss the External factors such as air-conditioning, fire safety, means of escape and their location.
4 Understand the Introduction of Retail Shops and Self Service Shop.
4.1 Define Retail Shop.
4.2 Describe the general consideration and principles of Retail Shop.
4.3 Discuss the inducing entrance, store space organizing & interior displays.
4.4 Describe the sequence of customer flow with figure.
4.5 Describe the position of entrance for self service shop.
4.6 Discuss the parceling and delivery system of shop.
4.7 Discuss the functional aspects of shop front.
5 Understand the Retail Trading and General Design & Planning criteria of a Shopping Complex.
5.1 State the type of shopping facilities.
5.2 Describe the self or staff service.
5.3 Differentiate the open market and covered market.
5.4 Describe Shops (Shops in new development, shop layout, location), Departmental Store (Definition- display, gondolas), Shopping centers (Definition- siting, basic design), Hypermarket (definition- Design).
5.5 Describe the general consideration of site selection for shopping complex.
5.6 Describe the planning problems of shopping complex.
5.7 Explain the sales area storey heights, structural grid and aisles.
5.8 Describe the movement between floors.
6 Understand the Service Details of Shopping Complex.
6.1 State the back-up stock and goods transport.
6.2 State display window, staff entrance & staff WC.
6.3 Discuss the building regulations, entrance & exits.
6.4 Discuss the windows, cold, fire, temperature & ventilation’s.
6.5 Discuss the column spacing, store depth, clear height and ducts and shafts.
1 Prepare the flow chart of a Hospital.
1.1 Draw a flow diagram of 100-Bed district level Hospital.
1.2 Draw a flow diagram of administration department.
1.3 Draw a flow diagram of emergency department & diagnostic facilities.
1.4 Draw a flow diagram of obstetrical and out-patient department.
1.5 Draw a flow diagram of service facilities and laundry department.
2 Design the patient room.
2.1 Draw an isolated single patient room (1:50 or ¼”=1’-0”).
2.2 Draw a semi private patient room (1:50 or ¼”=1’-0”).
2.3 Draw the section of the patient rooms (2.1, 2.2) (1:50 or ¼”=1’-0”).
2.4 Draw sub acute care patient wardrobe elevation with dimension.
2.5 Draw sub acute care patient rooms head wall elevation with dimension.
3 Design the living area of a hospital.
3.1 Draw a plan of assisted living apartment (1:50 or ¼”=1’-0”).
3.2 Draw a section of assisted living apartment kitchen (1:50 or ¼”=1’-0”).
3.3 Draw a plan of a six bed ward with furniture (1:50 or ¼”=1’-0”).
3.4 Draw the plan of reception area.
4 Prepare the Preliminary Design of a Hospital.
4.1 Draw the line sketch plan of a 100-Bed district level Hospital.
4.2 Draw the plan of 100-Bed district level Hospital in 1:100 or 1/8”=1’-0”.
4.3 Draw the landscape plan of the hospital.
4.4 Draw the elevation & section of the Hospital.
4.5 Draw the detail car parking area.
5 Case study and submit report of any one of the district/divisional hospital.
5.1 Visit any one of the divisional medical college hospital and take photographs.
5.2 Draw the layout plan of the visited hospital.
5.3 Draw a layout for the future expansion.
5.4 Prepare a written report with suggestion for the visited hospital.
6 Prepare the Preliminary design of a shopping center (multi storied – 15 shops per floor).
6.1 Draw the flow diagram of a shopping center (multi storied – 15 shops per floor).
6.2 Sketch the line plan of shopping center with given requirements.
6.3 Develop the line plan according to scale.
6.4 Draw the four side elevation of shopping center.
6.5 Draw the vertical section through stair and lift.
7 Prepare layout & landscape plan of shopping center.
7.1 Draw the layout plan according to the RAJUK specification.
7.2 Draw the landscape plan showing different plantation & structure.
7.3 Prepare door & window schedule.
7.4 Draw detail planning of core area.
8 Prepare a departmental store.
8.1 Draw a flow diagram of a departmental store.
8.2 Draw a typical plan showing different goods area.
8.3 Draw the typical plan selection of different counters.
8.4 Draw the plan of escalator used in shopping complex.
8.5 Draw the section of escalator.
1. Planning; The Architects Hand Book
by E and O. E
S. Row Land PIERCE
3. The Hand book of building types.
By Vincenet Jones
George Atkinson OBEBA (Arch) RIBA.