Nirala super service Bus Ticket Counter Number, Ticket Price! Nirala super service is a very Popular Bus Tangail to Dhaka and Dhaka to Tangail. Today we share with you about Nirala super service Ticket Counter, Online Ticket Booking System, Ticket Price? In this post available here all about Nirala super service information. It’s a Right Place here we provide you with the full information about Nirala super service Counter Address of Tangail and Dhaka, Ticket Price. Every day many Passenger Journey by Nirala super service Bus. So, It’s very urgent to know Nirala super service Counter Number, Ticket Price, Online Booking System and more. The Bus has AC/NON AC BUSES.
I know that Many people want to get a Nirala super service Bus ticket. Every Bus Travel to after 30 Minute Tangail to Dhaka. If you want to Journey by Nirala super service Bus. we hope that Nirala super service is the best Bus for your Journey Tangail to Dhaka with low Price. Just Continue Reading and see the Bus Counter Address
Mohakhali Counter Address
Phone: 01736836610
Phone: 01913187629
Phone: 01199801213
Phone: 01712107093
Tangail Counter Address
Tangail,Sadar, Tangail
Phone: 01740954737
Phone: 01736220071
Phone: 01712556320
Phone: 01819979199
Transport Fare from Dhaka:
Transport fare from Dhaka to Tangail is Tk. 150 per person
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